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  1. solarman216

    PW 01/12/2024 off road

    Well had a great day today, 5 mins after entering got a guy flagging me down, can I pull him off a tree, no problem ten mins later he is on his way, I still have my sandals on so pull off to a drier bit to sort my boots out but takes some time as need to do it entirely in the motor as too muddy...
  2. solarman216

    MOT Nov 2024

    Yep my Troll is up this month, come January I will have had her for 7 years, much abused off road, but still going strong, had to do loads of work due to off road stuff, new front disks and pads, old only 2 years but aggressive mud wears them down, needed new front leading arm bushes 4 off and...
  3. solarman216

    Patrol clutch & many other bits

    Having now sorted my injector pump, now is the time to sort my worn out clutch amongst other things, will try and take pics as I go but you know how it is with cameras and greasy hands etc, see you tomorrow, Rick
  4. solarman216

    Mrs T2 3Ltr MOT

    As above Mrs motor went through today no advisories, this is Rayf's old motor, needs a fuel tank, it is not leaking but probably wont be long, fortunately found one on Ebay £130 delivered so soon as it arrives another job to keep me busy, Rick
  5. solarman216

    My new toy

    Thought I had better start a new thread on this, I have already mentioned it in Flyingtorquewrenches thread "Time to say good by" but easier here. So it is a Mill, probably around the 1950's heavy great thing, but does vertical and horizontal work, it did however have some problems, first was...
  6. solarman216

    Y60 Patrol tachometer

    Hi all, as per heading I am in need of a Patrol tachometer head, mine has died, Rick
  7. solarman216

    Patrol rear coils

    Hi all, as I now have my specially made rear coils (25% plus with 75mm lift) I now have spare a pair of 20% stronger std ride height, if anyone interested, will post a pic tomorrow, Rick
  8. solarman216

    Piccadilly Wood today 07 04 24

    As title grand day out today, as normal loads winching etc, so how did I get out of this without body damage? Rick
  9. solarman216

    Piccadilly Wood 3rd March

    How about a bit of genuine 4X4 stuff instead of advertising crap, so watch this space Sunday evening onwards, conditions are described as level 4 very challenging, we will see, pics coming, Rick
  10. solarman216

    Piccadilly Wood 7th Jan 24

    Another good day at the wood, I pulled several out including one who managed to jamb a small tree tween his spare wheel and back door making thousands of little bits of glass out of the rear window in the process, battery chain saw to the rescue, only pic I got is of this guy, said it was a bad...
  11. solarman216

    Slindon 27-12-23

    Had to do the last one of the year, turned out to be absolutely cracking, pulled a couple of guys out on first arrival, one of them standing on the roof with a rope in his hand in impossibly deep water, he came out with a simple pull, sadly no dashcam footage as it had not fired up, it does this...
  12. solarman216

    Replacement 15 Kva alternator

    As said, old unit suffered a control box fire which required a complete replacement alternator, sounds easy enough until you understand that the old one was automatic and could be started from any place in the yard with a two wire switch, I needed to keep this arrangement for ease of use by none...
  13. solarman216

    M O T again

    Yep my trusty Patrol has just passed for another year, no advisories, well happy, Rick
  14. solarman216

    Head Gasket on my Patrol

    Yes just done just that, a new gasket, due to a few months ago coming home from the wood boiled up due to rad clogged with mud, limped home with regular water stops but after sorting the rad all seemed good, but ordered a new gasket anyway as was sure to need it, well last week it failed as I...
  15. solarman216

    T2 fuel tank

    Hi all if anyone has a good Terrano tank I need one, Rick
  16. solarman216

    Piccadilly Wood today 03/08

    The wood has been shut for a couple of months due to being a bit dry and also some refurbishments, open again today so off we go, if any good will post some pics, Rick
  17. solarman216

    M O T again

    Got caught out, only discovered at the W/E that the Mrs 3Ltr test runs out on Thursday, the garage normally notify me well in advance, this by the way is RayF's old motor, still going strong, jet washed it off found a couple of minor issues but worst was a small thin bit of the OSR cill, tapped...
  18. solarman216

    Solar powered chain saw

    I told Zac about this some time ago, but thought I would share it with the rest of you, since I have a wood burner I have needed a decent chain saw but with the price of fuel these days not to mention 2 stroke oil, when I saw a battery powered saw instantly took notice, and as I already have...
  19. solarman216

    Need to make my own lathe gear

    As title my lathe screw feed has a badly worn gear that is no longer available so will have to make my own, not a straightforward job I might add, but when pushed into a corner one has to respond, plus I have very little time to spare at this time but I need my lathe so has to be done, not...
  20. solarman216

    Piccadilly Wood 2nd April 23

    Hi all, as this site is quite dead at the mo I thought I might inject a bit of life, this is me and my trusty Patrol getting well and truly muddy