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  1. K


    help guys stuck at work no 4wd usual break ring problem tried to speak with nissan but they want past number can some one please post it for me cant find it and doing this from my phone thanks guys
  2. K

    What Next

    Well so fare this year, I've had a new water pump (January), new starter motor (March), bits and bats to get her through her mot (May) and yesterday a new clutch fitted. Whats going to go wrong next ?
  3. K

    No Electrics

    Help.........went to start her this morning unlocked my door no problem, ignition lights on, came to start her and lost everything, no lights, no radio, no clock, got out shut door interiour light came on, opened door light went off, closed door could not lock door. This happenen about three...
  4. K

    Bad water leek

    Hi gang, sorry for being quite for a long time, but i could do with some help. I have a water leek on my motor, its dripping from a steel plate that is around the bottom crank pully, now i dont know if its running down from my water pump or not, cant see any sign of it doing so, is it possible...
  5. K

    New Middle and Rear Exhaust

    Just had a new middle and rear exhaust sections fitted, old middle had gone at the box and rear not looking to either, cost just short £100 fitted. However (and there is always one of them) when the thing went in the first place it looks like it damage what I can only think is an axle breath...
  6. K

    Faulty earth on tow bar electrics or caravan.

    Help....I've got a bad earth on either my tow bar electrics or my caravan lights, the usual, indicator on brake light on, brake light and indicator both go dim and both flash. How can I check the electrics on the motor (without going to any great expense) to see if the problem is there before I...
  7. K

    It's making a squeaking / creaking noise

    Right guys here’s one, the wife told my she had "broken" my baby on Saturday, it is making a squeaking / creaking noise when you bounce on the driver’s front corner, did not get a proper look yesterday due to the rain :( . Just had a look now and it feels like the front mounting bracket that...
  8. K

    Wiring Diagram For Spot and Fog Lights

    Anybody got a wiring diagram for spot/fog lights? Peter.
  9. K

    Auto hub question

    Just a quickie, Ive just cleaned my hubs for the first time. Is brake"A" and spring suspose to be in the housing when you take it of, neither were broken. It was hooked onto the main locker assembly. Killer
  10. K

    Fuel Pipe Diameter

    Hi Gang, If anybody has replaced there fuel pipes with nylon pipes, can you please tell me what diameter pipes you used and what sort of length you used as mine are going to need changing soon. Cheers Killerpete.