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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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    Mav 2.4 petrol won't rev

    Hi wondering if you cured the problem of not revving
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    4 WD Not engaging.

    When did you get the spring from? Cheers
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    Exhaust manifold. 1993 2400 Petrol.

    The fuel consumption was prior to fitting the exhaust manifold which was cracked 3/4 of its circumference, its was chuffing like a train:augie, someone had attempted to weld it up as seen in the picture. I think this may well be the cause of the heavy fuel consumption throwing the lambda into...
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    Exhaust manifold. 1993 2400 Petrol.

    SORTED.:thumb2 Exhaust manifold fitted, MOT'd on Friday, emissions just in range! only needed 1 x fog light and 1 x stop light bulbs (382). See if it can improve on the 16mpg :eek:
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    Exhaust manifold. 1993 2400 Petrol.

    Many Thanks to you all for the help and advise, sourced an exhaust manifold from Ebay. fitting tomorrow.:)
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    Exhaust manifold. 1993 2400 Petrol.

    Many Thanks Plank.
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    Exhaust manifold. 1993 2400 Petrol.

    I little picture for clarity. Thanks:D
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    Exhaust manifold. 1993 2400 Petrol.

    Hi, anybody out there who may have an exhaust manifold for 1993 2400cc Petrol Maverick. Many Thanks