What about the fronts?
Is there a down load for winding up / indexing?
Dont suppose you could nock up a few pics? not right away,
If i order (via ebay/pay pal) whats the delevery time?
Is 31" the largest tyre i should go for?
Thats what i would pay hundrads for...
So 2" HD springs from Terranosaurus, and some big mud (maybe also from Terranosaurus) and that should do me, with fitting the springs will i still have to faff around with the rad?
Is there a down lead on how to fit the new springs or is it easy?
Ok so i spent most of today (apart from going to the cobaton tank shak with the old man) looking at lift threads, and ebay wheels and springs (all on Terranosaurus shop)etc.
1. What is the differance between a spring lift and a spacer lift?
2. What impact will it have on brake hoses and rad...
Bloody women
All weekend she was moaning and crying to be let out of the boot, having to be told to lye down and stop moving about, then when i was outside the house emptying the car, she jumped in and laydown straight away, eyes closed the lot
Green laning!
220 miles there and 250 back, all the camping gear and up the sarn with col, coped better than i thought, could do with air-con though.
Cheers col for his 4x4 lesson!
Almost there!
Picked up the tent (never used it or seen it before!)!
Just about to pick up the argos (argoose!) double sleping bag!
Cars ready!
Dogs ready!
just need a mallet!
Got in the truck this morning, in the pouring rain. started her up and a splash of water fell in the foot well!
There is a screw missing from the grey cover thet sits below the windscreen bu the bonnet could it be coming through there?