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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. G

    do i stay or should i go

    scuse me for sticking my nose in as a newbie, but at least one other forum I use (nowt to do with cars or 'bikes) has a certain 'Hotel California' quality about it: 'You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave...' I'm hoping I'll find this forum has similar qualities... :D
  2. G


    Mine especially, as it's only got two wheels. :D I do have a spare set with some knobblies on, but never got round to trying them. It's meant to be a trail bike, but at 1100cc and pushing 500lb, it's a bit of a handful in owt slippy. Might get some new knobblies later, give it a try this year if...
  3. G


    Afternoon folks. Right, justy a quickie for now, my names is Dave, and I've got to go out on one of my vehicles, which you'll notice don't particularly belong in a 4x4 club. :D But I'm thinking of getting a Terrano. I'll beback later to say a bit more. Cheers, Dave.