Plenty of repeating going on here. A racist act or opinion isn't white against black, it's one race against another. Attacks against Whites or westerners because we are white or western is just as racist as the other way round and it's hateful. Do you think for one minute that white invading...
You stupid people !
I fell upon this thread and read as much as I could before it made me feel sick.
I just can't believe there are still people around with some of these stupid backward opinions. For christ sake this is not the seventies. Those of you with these disgusting views on race...
Good to hear Nissans beating those Land Rovers.
Ok, I get the LSD now. I often wondered why my Nissan just seemed to keep going when others around me (Land Rovers) had to charge at hills I just crawled up. I'm guessing a rear diff lock wouldn't really provide valued improvement then. On my...
Yes I have LSD, how does that effect 4WD.
So, in 4WD if I have one front wheel off the ground or no traction will that front wheel rotate and the front on the ground not rotate?? Is that the same with the rear? Would therefore, one front and one rear wheel that have no traction just rotate and...
Mmm, I think it safe to assume I do not have a rear diff-lock as there is no switch or lever for it and there's no mention in the manual. I guess therefore I'd like to know how the power IS sent to the wheels in 4H or 4L.
I know this will make me sound thick but what happens (mechanically) when I select 4H or 4L. I don't have a rear diff-lock so I assume power goes to all 4 wheels until one losses traction and then that gets all the power. But, that wouldn't explain why my D22 goes just about anywhere, or does...
Here is my little write-up on our recent Trip to Morocco.
Trailmaster is about £600 odd each, but worth it.
My name is Michael, with my wife Hazel and our 10 year old son George we recently took our 4x4 to Morocco and the Sahara with Trailmasters on the “High Summer Special”. This was our...
Naked and alone in a DB9... I know, how sad. Still, the seats were rather nice !!
The VW is a pretty great family car. Like most of this type it's never been off road but I understand it to be very capable in that area and would have loved to have given it a go. Would be better with 16"rims...
Desert Trek
Thanks for nice comments. I'd be happy to post a write-up and provide a link to even more pics, they'll really give you a good idea what to expect. If your thinking of doing a similar trip, we went with Trailmasters. Excellent.
When the sun shines it is the 1977 1500 Spitfire that loudly darts around our country lanes. The family car is a Audi A6 Avant Quatro La Mans (I haven't taken a photo yet). Oh, as for the DB9, It was mine for a week as a present from my wife for my 50th birthday, does that count? (I wish).
Hi all
Not exactly green laning I know, but I thought some of may like to see some of my Morocco pics.