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  1. T

    BIG Thanks To Darryl

    Can't find that one mate? Can you do a copy and paste the http:www. thingy?
  2. T

    BIG Thanks To Darryl

    With a dash of Faulty Ignition Switch thrown in as well! But not, as easy as it sounds!:confused:
  3. T

    BIG Thanks To Darryl

    Just want to say a HUGE Thanks to Darryl who came around today to help me with my Mav It was really good of him to give up his time for a "Brother in Trucks" And I am Very Grateful Cheers Darryl, you're a star mate, thanks a bunch:clap:clap:clap Tomas
  4. T

    Still in Trouble

    Cheers Darryl, that's really kind of you matey, much appreciate your offer, which I may take you up on! See how I feel in a couple of days. I'm still moping round in my pj's in & out of bed, drugged up to the eyeballs with painkillers:( Very, very sore & have difficulty moving my right arm (In a...
  5. T

    Still in Trouble

    Battery is new, 3x weeks and checks out OK. Wipers and lights all work until turning key then EVERYTHING goes off! Personally I think its jammed, when it first happened the lug had snapped off during turning the engine over. I think it got to the last of the strands left in cable just as I...
  6. T

    Still in Trouble

    How did you hit it? It's a right bugger to get at! I did try that, but couldn't work out how! It's so cramped for space. I'm in hospital tomorrow for an operation so it'll have to wait a few days anyway!
  7. T

    Still in Trouble

    Yep, all done! It was all working absolutely fine until the positive cable snapped off at the battery terminal!
  8. T

    Still in Trouble

    There is power through the cable to the Solenoid
  9. T

    Still in Trouble

    Yep, done that. Just stripped all the insulation/cable tidy stuff from around the cable to Starter motor. On older cars, you used to be able to short out the solenoid to check whether it was the problem. I don't think it can be done on a Mav, or can it?
  10. T

    Still in Trouble

    Do you mean both terminals on Positive cable, battery and starter motor? Or, Positive & Negative? I just replaced the positive terminal at battery by using a terminal that has a bridge clamp for cable.
  11. T

    Still in Trouble

    Well, after the lug broke on my positive cable to the battery terminal, I thought it would be easy just to replace the terminal with a bolt on affair, however,,,,,,,, I've just done that and the bugger still won't turn over! Each time I turn the key all the lights on dash go out! It does seem...
  12. T

    Blonde Joke

    A blonde takes her broken down car to the mechanic. Mechanic says" Nothing serious love, just shit in the air filter ". She replies " Brilliant, how often will I have to do that ?"
  13. T

    In Trouble again!

    FOUND IT! Twas the Positive cable broken! Half an inch from the teminal under the insulation, it looked like it's been hanging on by a thread "Literally"! Cable is at least 15mm thick and looks like it's been cut! but for about ten strands which are stretched out and obviously gave up the...
  14. T

    In Trouble again!

    It wasn't a VARTA by any chance?
  15. T

    In Trouble again!

    Had a new battery a few weeks ago because Mav was not starting in the cold! Before I got the new battery I was jumping the Mav of "The Dragons" Fiesta and it started easily, hence the change of battery. However, just went out to use the Mav and it turned over a few times but wouldn't fire up...
  16. T


    Have you checked your attic? Could be a gang of dope growers up there having knocked all the dividing walls down along the terrace and its all heat lamps and hydroponics!!!!
  17. T


    Whats NATS? I thought you don't get NATS in the Winter!:lol:augie I don't use the Radio anyway it's the original Ford Rubbish fitted:(. That's on my "To Do" list! Battery VARTA G8 95ah 830CCA is now fitted and working a treat. I don't think the engine did half a crank and it was started...
  18. T


    Well done mate, my new Varta arrived yesterday as well, but I want to remove the terminals and give em a good clean up before connecting new battery and it was too bloody cold & wet to stand outside for more than a minute or two, so I'm doing it today (Thurs).
  19. T


    Finally, an explanation of MCA/CCA that's in ENGLISH that I can understand: It means a battery rated at 1000MCA is actually only 700CCA! A battery rated at 830CCA is actually 1079 MCA!
  20. T


    I'm fairly sure the Bosch S4029 and the Varta G8 are the same battery. I've found there are lots of batteries with different brand names like the Numax, Lucas XV31MF's also available under the Alphaline label as a Marine Battery.