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  1. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    According to Milners Offroad their washer is 14mm ID (inner diameter?) ... But according to they are 12mm ID ...
  2. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    Gas or water PTFE? Sent from my Alba 10" using Tapatalk
  3. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    I'll try again with this approach. Just need to find some suitable wire.
  4. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    Damn, just bought a 200 piece socket set thinking it had everything I would ever need! I could try a length of pipe over the socket handle to give it a bit more leverage. Thanks
  5. HantsHog

    Vacuum Oil Extractor

    How long is your inlet pipe that goes through the dipstick? I've bought a Clarke version and its pipe is 1.2m long. With the pipe in up to the hilt with the motor up against the dipstick inlet hardly anything comes out other than splattering oily bubbles after 15mins. I'm wondering if the pipe...
  6. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    Is this a crow bar or one of those chunky metal rods with a point? I've got several of those! How do you use the breaker bar exactly?
  7. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    I'm jinxed! I've bought the diesel/oil pump to drain from the dipstick tube and after 15 minutes all I had was bubbles coming up the inlet pipe and 1 inch of spatter at outlet; in effect nothing has come out. The inlet pipe is 1.2m long and is pushed in to the hilt. I suspect it's not long...
  8. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    Well, after this I'll try the vacuum method as asked in my other thread ... I'll pick one of these up this afternoon ...
  9. HantsHog

    Stuck Sump Plug

    Just got myself ready to do an oil change and I can't shift the sump plug. I'm working with the Terrano on the ground from the front but I can't get decent leverage. Any ideas on how to shift this on the ground? I'm pretty certain that I've identified the sump plug in the pic.
  10. HantsHog

    Vacuum Oil Extractor

    What make/model is that? I assume it's a 12v jobby.
  11. HantsHog

    Vacuum Oil Extractor

    Just been reading this ... ... Has anyone used any such device to remove the engine oil via the dipstick and if so what are your recommendations...
  12. HantsHog

    Use of axle stands

    Beginners question so bear with me .... I'm about to embark on servicing my Terrano including replacing the high pressure oil sensor. Now I believe that it is better to work via the front wheel arches, with wheel removed, to change the sensor and oil filter. I've bought a 3 tonne trolley jack...
  13. HantsHog

    Handy Website With How To's & Manuals

    ... and for the 2.7 TDi ...
  14. HantsHog

    Handy Website With How To's & Manuals

    I stumbled across this site today and I thought it's handy for beginners such as me ....
  15. HantsHog

    3.0 Litre Diesel Engine Oil

    Would that be the Comma XT2000 15W40 Semi-synthetic? Shell comes up with Helix HX7 10w40 Semi-synthetic. Castrol comes up with Magnatec 5w30 Fully Synthetic. I'm tempted with the Comma route at the moment bearing in mind that the Nissan manual does say 15w40 is preferable when ambient...
  16. HantsHog

    3.0 Litre Diesel Engine Oil

    Seen lots of posts about engine oil but most replies seem to be for the 2.7 engine suggesting 10w40 Mineral. Comma site, and others, is saying 15w40 Semi. Service book seems to suggest 10w40 or 15w40 but nowt on mineral or semi. Sounds like full synthetic is a no no. Any ideas?
  17. HantsHog

    Trolley jack for Terranno

    Does the Halfords jack require a separate add-on tube to get the required height? The Screwfix 4x4 version comes with such a tube apparently? What sort of lift height am I looking for in a jack?
  18. HantsHog

    Trolley jack for Terranno

    What size of trolley jack would I need to lift a Terrano to get on to some axle stands? Sent from my Alba 10" using Tapatalk
  19. HantsHog

    Is it a pain to pour in lubricants under vehicle?

    Thanks. I suspected there was some sneaky technique! Sent from my Alba 10" using Tapatalk
  20. HantsHog

    Is it a pain to pour in lubricants under vehicle?

    Now, bearing in mind that I have virtually no experience in fiddling about under cars how awkward or easy is it to physically pour lubricants into places such as the gear box, transfer unit, front and rear diffs assuming the car in on its wheels and not raised up? I was looking at doing this...