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  1. Steve_Ray

    Vehicle Taxation (RFL) Changes - 1 May

    It's based on the "official" CO2 output figures as stated on the V5 (log book)
  2. Steve_Ray

    Vehicle Taxation (RFL) Changes - 1 May

    Too right mate ........ like I said in original post, at least Dirk Turpin wore a 3-pointed hat (and a mask) ..... at a loss as to where it'll end - the motorist is just a "soft touch"
  3. Steve_Ray

    April Photo Comp?

    Is there (or is there going to be) an April photo competition?
  4. Steve_Ray

    Vehicle Taxation (RFL) Changes - 1 May

    Too right mate - 225g/km is not particularly "generous" ......... many vehicles will fall into this category, incl loadsa MPVs!
  5. Steve_Ray

    Vehicle Taxation (RFL) Changes - 1 May

    Well, sadly it looks like the robbin' b*****s (sorry government) have finally made up their minds about vehicle taxation. But they don't seem to have shouted about it like they did when they deffered the decision a few months back, even though it's going to be "slipped in" from 1 May this year...
  6. Steve_Ray

    BOFA 4x4 Cannock Chase anybody?? HillnDitch Mouldsworth??

    Don't worry .......... all 4x4's are welcome ....... just make sure you've got good recovery points ;o)
  7. Steve_Ray

    Macmillan 4x4 Challenge 2010

    Mav - good to speak to you too - sorry it's been so long since I've been on the site (looking even better than before btw). back on topic ........ I think they limit it to around 60 motors purely on "logistics" grounds ..... it's hard enough for them to keep 60 motors together, without causing...
  8. Steve_Ray

    BOFA 4x4 Cannock Chase anybody?? HillnDitch Mouldsworth??

    I help out with BOFA4x4 at Cannock Chase and we're currently waiting on the "new" dates for the coming twelve months. To put anyone's mind at rest, the groups are usually split into two: - newbies / shineys - more modified motors We get many "first timers" - just ask to go in Colin's group...
  9. Steve_Ray

    Macmillan 4x4 Challenge 2010

    MAC 4x4 UK Challenge 2010 Good luck with the fund raising lads n lasses .......... that's what it's all about afterall. Having done the event for the last three years (2007 - 2009 incl) ... we're "having a year off" from the MAC in 2010. Many members may remember that you helped Mick & I...
  10. Steve_Ray

    lanes around tamworth/hinckley

    BOAT = Byway Open to All Traffic ORPA = Other Road with Public Access I've found a few lanes around our area mate - send me a PM (either via NFMOC or and I'll send you a list. They really need checking out - was gonna havea go after the MAC Challenge in early March - so if...
  11. Steve_Ray

    Usefull and essential off road kit to carry

    The motor did well last Sunday mate - glad to have you out with us :smile: But the ole tow bars can be a 'bit of a plough' at times
  12. Steve_Ray

    Memory Map

    It runs OK on Vista. Mem Map works great with a GPS dongle (I prefer to use a 'hard wired' USB one, but friends also run Bluetooth connections). Free download? .... that'd be nice! Mem Map is good, but isn't cheap. If you do a lot of laning, then it's certainly worth the outlay. There are...
  13. Steve_Ray

    Chit chat -Stanage- and other stuff,

    Spot on Andy! I always talk to my motor, tell her she's 'just gonna walk up it' and not have any problems (oh and touch the gate post on the way up for luck). Seriously though, there's nothing like the feeling when you drive up yourself. Stanage is also one of those lanes that changes...
  14. Steve_Ray

    Usefull and essential off road kit to carry

    The "lifting rings" featured in the eBay ad don't seem that good. Proper lifting rings or "JAte rings" bolt directly to the LR chasis and spread the load throug the chasis when making a recovery. The ones in the pic seem a bit "light weight" (imho)
  15. Steve_Ray

    Usefull and essential off road kit to carry

    Think you might well be right there Andy :wink: As for the "bag jacks" - personally never used 'em ..... got far too much ground clearance
  16. Steve_Ray

    Usefull and essential off road kit to carry

    For what you'd spend on a "decent" Tirfor The "turfer" (think they got the spelling wrong) on the previous post just doesn't seem strong enough - might be fine for moving a lightweight wobbly box, but not for recovering a 4x4 from the...
  17. Steve_Ray

    Chit chat about off road

    Disco3 wheel base is: 114" RR Classic, Disco 1 & 2 and Freelander: 100" Hope this helps .............
  18. Steve_Ray

    Chit chat about off road

    Cracking day out yesterday on the C.O.R.C. event Andy - great pics. Glad all enjoyed it. Sorry I couldn't make this weekend (but it's only the second weekend I've had off since beggining of September and out every one between now n Xmas). Certainly coming down Stanage is easier than trying to...
  19. Steve_Ray


    WELL DONE ! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  20. Steve_Ray

    Usefull and essential off road kit to carry

    Couldn't agree more Andy - recovery is best not done on 'green lanes' as they are legal RoW, in the same way you wouldn't get your recovery gear out on the M6 !! We ran a dedicated off road day last year for the boys n girls of NFMOC at my dad's farm and to make it a bit more interesting, we...