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  1. E


    Dont think i have abs in fact im sure i dont. Truck is 1998 did they have abs ?::bow
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    Sorry lwb Terrano II 2.7
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    Hi guys brake peddle vibrating badly when depressed and it is making me depressed any help greatfully recieved
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    Drivers side is lower than passangers side .Drivers side front 79 rear 81rear .Passenggers side front 84 rear 84 any ideas ???
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    Hi guys .Need a couple of tyres trouble is im in N-Ireland any ideas ?:cool:
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    Still bumping

    cant see it bein the shock as i lay under it today and had my big son bounce up an down on the toebar everythin did what it was supposed to .Then both of us got on the side step and shook the shit out of it no prob either .Would a bad shock at the front have any thing to do with my prob they r...
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    Still bumping

    Thanks for your reply .Damper excuse my irishness is that my shocks if so what should i fit and where do i go to get them . Maybee the ones i put on last year were not strong enough ?
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    Still bumping

    well that could well be but just passed the mot an nothing found would they not have seen something wrong . If i take a left hand bend at any speed the back lyes down on drivers side right hand bend no probs .Its drivin me mad .
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    Still bumping

    Rite after putting on new springs lwb t2 still bumping on drivers side .Shocks were changed about 2 years ago Munroe fitted . do i need heavier shocks or our their different springs for lwb or swb . Could i have the wrong springs fitted .Any bump thats hit hard the back drivers side goes down on...
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    Bumpy Terrano

    Sounds good .Does the front wheel need to be off the ground when i am tightenin the rod ?
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    Bumpy Terrano

    Ok starting at the back drivers side 32 ins- front drivers side 30 1/2 back passengers side 32 1/2-front 32 1/2 Hope this helps Looks a lot more when lookin straight on .
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    Bumpy Terrano

    still in trouble . A guy at work who is a mechanic suggested that i tighten one of the steel rods that run from the middle of the truck to the front says it might level the yoke up but havin laid under her for a considerable time today i am not so sure I just measured from the top of the tyre...
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    Bumpy Terrano

    Hi just got under an noticed that the stabaliser on the side that is lower the bushing or whatever you call it at the top is knackered ...would this be the cause of my prob .Put a jack under it and gave it a little lift an it did rise the yoke .. If this is the case what do i order ??
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    Bumpy Terrano

    Please exscuse my ignorance Zippy but where do i find drop links ?
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    Bumpy Terrano

    Shock bushes ? By hard i mean if you go over a small bump or even a street ramp at any speed the rear end on drivers side hits down hard as if their is no suspension their . Even looking at the back of her when stationary seems a little lower on that side .Is their something that i am missing .
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    Bumpy Terrano

    Help just put new shocks plus new springs in lwb terrano as she was hittin down verry hard on small bumps. Back drivers side mostly .Took it for a run an she is still the same .Anyone got any ideas please.....
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    Bumper stops

    bump stop Hi i welded two bump stops on terrano from a bus they worked fine and passed the mot and better still i got them free:clap
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    Burst clutch pipe

    The other day whyle towing my caravan the clutchpedal went in and stayed in on investigation their was a burst pipe at the rear pissin clutch fluid all over the place .This was about the back wheel .What is the pipe doing at the back it seems to just stop their an does nothin as we cut it and...
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    Clutch slave cylinder flexible hose connection

    Had a prob the other day whyle on hols towin the caravan .Clutch pedal went in an stayed in on investigation pipe had burst under the body infact down near the back wheel and all the fluid leaked out . The question is what the hell is the clutch fluid doing at the back wheel as it seems to stop...
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    Shocking state of my Shocks !

    Shocks Thanks might be the job for me .Let me know when u get new ones in . Any idea about postage to N Ireland :bow