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  1. mr tickle

    Pics of my Little job this morning

    Here is a cut and paste from my other thread for you: "Here is the link >> I purchased red to match the car 1 Metre should be sufficient. Cost £1.82 not £1.86 Removing the old ones is quite fiddly: Removing the old clips and perished...
  2. mr tickle

    tinting windows

    I managed to fit my tints without removing the rubber strip. I cut along about 1" lower than the rubber and then slid the tint past the rubber one bit at a time using the plastic squeegie thing. In fact this bit was quite easy. I spent about 4 hours doing all my back 5 windows recently. I...
  3. mr tickle

    a newbie needing help

    Hi And welcome. Change the fuel filter. They are very cheap to buy and if it has been run on Veg or Bio as many have, they can clog up quickly. Make sure you fill up the new one all the way, tighten well and then press the button down on the top of the filter head to top it up. Good luck :thumbs
  4. mr tickle

    Rubber Injector pipe sizes please?

    Here is the link >> I purchased red to match the car :D 1 Metre should be sufficient. Cost £1.82 not £1.86 :thumbs Removing the old ones is quite fiddly: Removing the old clips and...
  5. mr tickle

    Rubber Injector pipe sizes please?

    Just to answer my own question. 6mm OD 4mm ID is the correct size. Quite a tight fit though but I used a heat gun to warm up the ends before pushing the pipe over the nipples first. Fleabay I paid £1.86 Leak off pipes all replaced on engine :thumb2
  6. mr tickle

    The thingy inside my headlight has fallen off!

    Just an update. 1 pair of curved pliers and 5 mins got this all fixed :thumb2 If it comes loose again I will put some epoxy resin in the hole first. Thanks for your suggestions.
  7. mr tickle

    Pics of my Little job this morning

    Just finished doing the tinted windows. :eek: What a hard an unrewarding job. I would sooner have changed my leak off pipes again lol.
  8. mr tickle

    Pics of my Little job this morning

    I noticed a slight leak on the drive this week. I found that the injector leak off pipes were all weeping. As a user of veg oil and Bio I know that any rubber pipes will perish fairly quickly. Ordered some 6mm OD 4mm ID nylon pipe (£1.86 off fleabay) It was a very fiddly but got the job done...
  9. mr tickle

    The thingy inside my headlight has fallen off!

    That is a good idea thanks. I have been thinking of finding or making a long thin pair of curved pliers to grab it and then force it back in the hole. It's the sort of job that would only take 5 seconds if the lens were removed. If I can't do it with a special tool I will certainly have a go...
  10. mr tickle

    The thingy inside my headlight has fallen off!

    The older shape lights are cheap. It's the newer shape that are expensive and rare. There is currently only one on ebay (wrong side) and its £150 :eek: I don't have the bottle to find out what the stealers want for one
  11. mr tickle

    The thingy inside my headlight has fallen off!

    I've just looked up the price of buying a second hand light unit :eek: I guess I will have to try and fix the old one. I know someone who is a gynacologist - I'm thinking of asking them if they can fix it :D
  12. mr tickle

    Rubber Injector pipe sizes please?

    I run Veg and Bio. I know that these fuels eat rubber pipes and so I have been expecting these to start leaking which they now have. I usually replace the rubber pipes on my bio cars with nylon pipe. Sizes vary from 3mm to 5mm ID. Before I place an e-bay order for some, does anyone know the...
  13. mr tickle

    The thingy inside my headlight has fallen off!

    I noticed yesterday that the beam diffuser that sits inside the headlight has come off its mounting and is sliding around. This is for the square headlight model. It looks like the leg that holds it in place has come loose. I'm sure if you get your fingers inside you could just plug it back...
  14. mr tickle

    veg oil Q&A

    i would use about 80% veg/ 20% diesel at the moment. You can go up to 100% in the summer when the overnight temps increase.
  15. mr tickle

    Power Steering pump wanted

    What is wrong with the one you have? When I bought my T2 it had a noisey whiney steering pump. Someone on here suggested I could pull it to pieces and replace the bearing. 2 hours labour and a bearing from Haley for £4.00 and it has been perfect for last two years.
  16. mr tickle

    what diesel pump?

    My Maf has the the word BOSCH moulded into it. My understanding was if you had a Bosch MAF you had a BOSCH Pump and that most Diesels were Bosch. If you intend to run WVO/SVO (and why not at 90ppl?) then you really should have the Bosch pump. Like others have said, look through the arch.
  17. mr tickle

    Rear diff rust concern

    When I changed my diff oil I noticed exactly the same thing. It was a bit concerning but the remaining casing seemed quite thick metal. Glad it's not just me.
  18. mr tickle

    That'll teach him...

    Me and the wife had a good lol at that one. I thought the guy was going to fall off the edge, it was a surprise when it actually happened.
  19. mr tickle

    Rear diff oil

    I ordered 3 litres of this stuff when I replaced mine recently. Apparently there are two types of diff: 1 takes 3 litres the other 1.5 I guess you will find out which one yours is when you do the job. The stuff that came out of mine was new looking - I guess it must have been done just before...
  20. mr tickle

    Veg oil

    Make sure you download and take your 10% discount voucher for farmfoods with you. :thumbs Clicky >> I am currently running 80/20 on farmfoods veg with no petrol as the weather is warmer. Just pour it in and crack on lad.