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  1. R

    X-trail brake pads and discs.

    Hi Mav I have not had to replace the disc or pads on my vehicle yet....however, I have purchased brake parts from this company in the past....excellent service and competitive prices..just click the 'shop now' button to be taken to their online catalogue....X Trail parts in stock...
  2. R

    Removing a airbag

    The top of my steering wheel has also gone soft...think it may be a fairly common problem....rather than replacing the steering wheel I simply paid a little over a fiver for a chunky steering wheel cover....worked a treat...
  3. R

    mot fail - high co

    I always take my vehicles to our local M.O.T Testing station rather than a garage....the testing station does not do any repairs to vehicles..they only M.OT. them. This means that I can be absolutley confident that any reasons given for failing my vehicle are genuine. I then either fix the...
  4. R

    Sump Porus

    Had this same problem with another vehicle...however it was a little more serious than a damp patch....the sump had seriously corroded and small pin holes had appeared...when I cleaned the sump up with engine cleaner and a wire brush to get rid of the flaking rust things got considerably...
  5. R

    Quick gearbox question.. Mav does the same too....nice rattle in nutral with foot off the clutch pedal but as soon as I depress the clutch the noise goes. No problems whatsoever selecting any stiffness, no notchiness.. nowt.. :?
  6. R

    Oil Leak

    Arthur who started this thread has asked me to post a photo of his oil leak.Arthur also asked me to arrow the offending cracked bolt/nut behind the banjo connection where the oil is leaking from....thing is Arthur m8 I am not sure which nut/bolt it is that I should is the photo...
  7. R

    Snorkel Wanted

    Nice one m8...looking forward to the results of your creativity....don't forget to post your photos :smile:
  8. R

    Brake pad change

    A wee get the pistons back in the calipers use one of those G clamps from B&Q ..the ones with a trigger action so you can do it one handed...makes the job a cinch.
  9. R

    Snorkel Wanted

    Brittle !!! naw it hangs on the outside of hooses fer years m8..nothin brittle about plastic fact its almost indestructable...where did ya get brittle from ? :smile: Are we talking about getting a vehicle up to it armpits in water here or some kind of fashion parade :lol...
  10. R

    Fuel gauge not working !

    Just an update on this thread...having removed the sender inspection panel and cleaned up the plug as well as removing the instrument pod and checking on the multiplug I thought controlled the fuel gauge the gauge still continued to be very erratic. When the gauge was malfuctioning (needle at...
  11. R

    Snorkel Wanted

    Plastic drainpipe comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes...must be somthing that would suit the Mav.... :lol:
  12. R

    HELP!! Maverick Front ABS Sensor

    Must have been cos I don't have it either...I know abs is a safety device but having had problems with abs systems on other vehicles and experiencing the difficulties tracking down faults and getting them rectified I'm kinnda glad my Mav don't have it :smile:
  13. R

    Mistal prop shaft greasing

    Grease guns are designed to fit on a grease nipple and force grease under pressure into the UJ,ball joint,steering knuckle etc. I doubt that you would be able to get the grease to wherever its supposed to go by simply squeezing grease into a hole m8. I think your idea or removing the grub screw...
  14. R

    Snorkel Wanted

    If 'pretty' doesn't matter then I would construct your own using nothing more than a length or two of plastic drain pipe and some of that flexible air ducting. A friend of mine made his own snorkel for his jeep...cost very little but 100% effective
  15. R

    source for sunroof replacement

    Hi Mate Look here on UK ebay for a sunroof.....maybe he would post to Hungary if you ask him.
  16. R

    Twin Batteries

    Read this thread about fitting an additional battery
  17. R

    Electric Mirror motor ?

    Hi Rustic Couldn't help noticing in your post above that you mention a wiring diagram for your Mav mk1. Do you have a complete manual for your Maverick .... If so where did you get it from m8 ? I have searched high and low for a Maverick manual and the only one I could find was for later...
  18. R

    Hi New Member Here

    Heres a Maverick parcel shelf...should fit the Terrano too
  19. R

    Oil Leak

    Hi Arthur Ah sorry I thought it might be the breather pipe leaking as in the photo of other post I mentioned.. To post a pic of your problem you would need to have your photo hosted on one of those free photo hosting sites That is the hosting site I use...then you can...
  20. R

    Rear diff oil seal?

    Nice one :smile: Nothing like a bit of DIY to make you feel good :lol: