I haven't posted for a while but I had to log in and post this.....
M.O.T. time came around with its alarming regularity...I always put my vehicles through their M.O.T's at a dedicated testing station....cos thats all they do...test the car...they dont repair cars so there is less chance that...
Nothing beats POR15 anti corrosion paint.........its unlike any other preventative solution to tin worm I have ever found.
Get it from Frost Auto Restoration...just google the name.
The bees knees
And how absolutely spot on the message on that sandwich board was...it matters not a jot which political party gets in.....all politicians are simply mouth peices...puppets on a string...do you really think they are the ones with the 'real' power....wakey wakey...
Regretably its the money that...
Bigbertieman you most definitely need to drain the oil via the sump plug m8. The oil filter is quite a bit higher up than the drain plug. Undoing the drain plug is no problem.22mm socket if I recall...plenty of room to lie under the truck and loosen it off....have your catcher ready...
Yes Zippy m8 I..always ...always....always use axle stands when working under any part of a vehicle....
Many moons ago I stupidly got under an old Cortina held up with just a jack...as I crawled out from underneath it it fell off the jack...omg..what a lucky escape I had...I have never ever...
Hi Lads and Lassies
Have not posted anything on the forum for a while but I wanted to share my experience of changing the oil filter.
As many of you probably know its a sod to get at from inside the engine bay...quite low down...stuff in the way...ect
I know folks have posted different methods...
Would you mind giving a quick description of how you managed to solve the wiper motor removal problem.
Just so the rest of us can do the same should we need to
Many thanks.
My pleasure m8
Just a couple of other pointers...I added a bit of rubber strip to the bottom of the bar fixing plates (glued it on) to protect me paintwork. If I take the bars off I have a couple of little plastic caps (came off some condiment bottle...but can't remember what) that fit over the...
Great minds think alike mate....or is that fools seldom differ lol
What other pics would be helpful to you...and I will try to oblidge..
I won the pair of Universal bars for 99p plus a tenner postage...couldn't believe no one else
made a bid (specially since they were designed for a...
Both bars from above....don't look too bad...I reckon....and the important thing is as I said they do the job of holding my roof box, ladders, B&Q purchases......whatever really.
No removing of roof lining ect required...lol