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  1. ocelot

    Frozen Door Locks

    WD40 the locks to drive out the water from the mechanism, then, white spray grease into the locks............ Works for me and we've seen -7 here :)
  2. ocelot


    if you look at the back of the headlight on the square ones, ( same as mine) there are some rubber caps, one is for the main and dipped lamp, the other is for the sidelight...... remove the rubber cover and that will expose the housing, twist/rotate clockwise(I think) and it pops out in your...
  3. ocelot

    Lots of Terranos/Mavericks few members

    welcome one and all to a nutty community, great technical resource, some interesting chat and I think, well worth a pittance...
  4. ocelot

    ABS weird on ice

    mine works I think, sounds like I've a gang of blokes hammering away very quickly when it works, especially on the ice........ pedal goes dead hard tho which is what it's supposed to do ( I think) great car in the snow and ice tho, effortless change from 2wd to 4 and back again.. and that...
  5. ocelot

    leaky water pump

    hell of a lot easier to do it with the rad out of the way, for the sake of 2 plastic clips, some hose clips and lost coolant.... I know which way I'd go..
  6. ocelot

    leaky water pump

    I use J+M Speed based on the wirral, not sure if they do mail order, should do I guess...............
  7. ocelot

    leaky water pump

    Hi Willow, Well, I had the same problem, tried all sorts to solve it but ended up buying and fitting a new pump, cost £56.00 plus vat from my local motor supplies place. Solved the water leak....... mind you, took the T2 to the outer hebrides and back with it leaking. I don't need to say what'll...
  8. ocelot

    Diesel or Petrol

    diesel, I'm getting better than 38 mpg on long journeys........ as for off road, don't do much of that these days but in the snow, car performed very very well, heater a little less so but given the notariety.......... not bad at all, heated seats keep backside warm at any rate :) For the...
  9. ocelot

    12v to 24v

    you could try maplins, or any good CB shop in your area.......... 12 to 24vdc are usually easily available, you just have to remember that power rating is in watts rather than current, ie amps....................
  10. ocelot

    T2 MAF wanted!

    if you remember, my T2 had the same problems as those described, doing the ignition thing sorted it out, but when I cleaned it with asda's version of WD40, it worked, hasn't missed a beat since either. Mind you, I do carry a spare...........
  11. ocelot

    Another Team Wales Epic.... go see
  12. ocelot


    suspect terminals to the starter motor, and earth from chassis to battery/engine. Clean them, if you have 12.5 or more in the battery, more than likely the connectsions are suss.......... any probs, feel free to IM me. Most boat engines I work on show the same problems unless they're maintained...
  13. ocelot

    what is wrong with my laptop

    try comodo as a firewall as well, it'll keep the crap away and its free :) it has a few useful bits and pieces too..................
  14. ocelot


    have a look at the fuse board under the bonnet, however, check your owners manual first as there's a fair bit of info in there.......... should be able to download from here I guess. The pump on the T2 is located inside the offside wing, (it is on mine) there's a splash guard which needs to be...
  15. ocelot

    Wayfarer SJ 12965 35532 to SJ 09185 36582.

    Please note that the Wayfarer has been subjected to TRO effective 16-11-09 until further notice, there has been considerable water damage to the sleeper section and massive ruts now exist. The council will be carrying out works when it dries out a little, or gets frosty..... please feel free...
  16. ocelot

    true british patriotism , have a read.

    I don't think there's racism here, we all have the right to object to anything we choose, regardless of subject. It's how we express our feelings which can cause problems, for example, if we went round thumping scottish people purely because they were scottish, that is racism, but if we object...
  17. ocelot

    Terrano, starting problems.

    Have you considered this? check for a sticky fuel shutoff solonoid, I've had this problem before albeit on an lpg system, totally baffling until I found the cause. When it happens again, turn the ignition on, the fuel pump will whirr away and you should feel a click on the solonoid, if you...
  18. ocelot


    Hi Ian, just seen your post, Just to let you know that we're all thinking of you here on the wirral. Take care and hope Sheila gets well soon, Dave, Jane and family.
  19. ocelot

    intek cb install

    ok............... here's good practice :) Two direct feeds from the battery, only one needs fusing, believe it or not, there is a slight resistance in the fuse, which creates a slight voltage drop, so I'd only fit one fuse, and it should be a slow blow type, not a fast fuse. Direct earth from...