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  1. judd750

    France 2014

    depends on the operator p and o ferries allow 1800mm brittany ferries allow 1830mm eurotunnel is 1850mm any higher and your supposed to pay more :doh
  2. judd750

    a little story

    ha ha :thumb2 will you have some jokes for the next meeting too?
  3. judd750

    France 2014

    we`re setting off from west Yorkshire and sailing from Plymouth on Saturday over night and get there sunday morning. rick is sailing sunday evening and getting there monday
  4. judd750

    France 2014

    sounds like you`ve got a bit to do rick we`ll see there on monday :thumb2
  5. judd750

    France 2014

    mucky fat sarnies and cups of tea for me :clap
  6. judd750


    ha ha ha :naughty
  7. judd750

    France 2014

    truck all packed :thumb2 hair cut , sarnies made for the journey down, early start in the morning as its a fair ride down
  8. judd750

    £ to euro

    still around 1.20
  9. judd750

    France Trip 1st June

    thanks guys :clap will try and post up some pictures and keep you informed on the trip :thumbs just starting to pack the truck this afternoon, early start in the morning with a few miles to do
  10. judd750

    france 1st june to the 8th

    the wife`s list is considerably longer than that :doh:doh looks like the trucks gonna be full !!!!
  11. judd750

    france 1st june to the 8th

    it will be on the boarding card that you will get when you check in at the ferry port; the key cards to your cabin will also be given to you andy
  12. judd750

    france 1st june to the 8th

    on the Brittany ferries website it says that the wifi is free. you have to be in a public area tho, and i dont know how good this will be,:confused: the wifi code is printed on the boarding card / ticket
  13. judd750

    yorkshire club meet

    will confirm with the cross keys and put a new thread up if this is ok :thumbs
  14. judd750

    france 1st june to the 8th

    looking forward to it mate, :thumb2 will try and put some pics up of the journey across, internet depending . i believe there`s wifi on the boat ! dont know how good this is ?
  15. judd750

    yorkshire club meet

    depends on what you`ve been up to briggie :lol:lol
  16. judd750

    france 1st june to the 8th

    spent today getting ready for this trip , :thumb2 had to go out shopping today :doh for the final items we`re taking with us, got plenty of veg oil and beer tokens though :clap
  17. judd750

    yorkshire club meet

    How about Thursday the 3rd of July ? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  18. judd750

    yorkshire club meet

    possible date and place for the next meeting Tuesday 1st of July 7.00pm, cross keys , Morley, j28 m62 ( just up the road from the last meeting) will have to check to see if the venue is available on that date it should be a bit warmer than last time :thumbs and hopefully some chip butties :clap
  19. judd750

    Bush dimensions

    the ones that criag made were 10.5 mm outside diameter 8 mm internal diameter and 10 mm long if i remember correctly
  20. judd750

    £ to euro

    anyone planning a trip to europe ? if so the £ to euro is at a 16 month high at the moment, 1.20 euro`s to the £ could be worth watching