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  1. johnb5177

    Has this forum been spammed...???

    A lot of terrible spam currently, very sad..
  2. johnb5177

    Merry Xmas

    Merry Christmas everyone......
  3. johnb5177

    We will remember them....

    They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years...
  4. johnb5177

    Front power socket(cigarette lighter one) failed

    Hi guys, Thank you for your replies. The sockets behind the cubby box and the rear work correctly, it's just the one in the dash console has no power. Replaced the 15 amp fuse (which had blown) under the steering wheel. I have those circuit diagrams from the w/shop manual, but wondered about...
  5. johnb5177

    Front power socket(cigarette lighter one) failed

    Hi folks, The front power socket on the dash/console is not receiving power. 15 amp fuse checked and OK, is it likely that the relay has failed? If so, where is it located and has anyone knowledge of sourcing a replacement? Thank folks Johnb
  6. johnb5177

    Paid up for another year...

    Hi Folks, You've got me for another year.... I hope the tractor keeps going that long (I'm sure she will....small irritating faults notwithstanding..) J
  7. johnb5177

    LHD Headlamp units

    Hi guys, I have boxed up and in good condition, 2 x LHD (EU) Hella, Headlamp units (L+R). These have been stored indoors in the dry since removal for replacement with UK headlamps. Anyone interested please PM me. Thanks folks JohnB
  8. johnb5177

    Front bulkhead leaks

    Thanks for the ongoing debate on this one just seems odd to have one for passenger side and not drivers side, when the apertures for fixings etc are present..... I've patched it over for the moment, but being a bit OCD like to do things correctly when I can....:nenau
  9. johnb5177

    Front bulkhead leaks

    Thank you all for your thoughts. I think it so unlikely that such a part will appear, that I've followed Rick's suggestion. I have some spare black corrugated sheet (Correx) and cut a panel to fit, with judicious application of 'Gorilla' tape, it is now fixed. This leaves the 2 square...
  10. johnb5177

    Front bulkhead leaks

    Banshee, Found 73, where you show both blanking plates.......clap:clap:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2 Now I just have to source one with all the bits.....:nenau
  11. johnb5177

    Front bulkhead leaks

    Fez, Thank you for that......anyone else that could confirm it please feel free......also if it should have said drivers side panel......does anyone here have one, with the polybushes/screws off a breaker??? If yes, costs please... Thank you again.. J
  12. johnb5177

    Front bulkhead leaks

    Hi guys, The perennial problem of water ingress to drivers side footwell...... I have sealed and taped the sunroof (daft idea cutting a hole in a good bit of steel!!) So it isn't the roof drains...... I have just removed the plastic trim beneath the windscreen, to reveal the metalwork panel. On...
  13. johnb5177

    Dashboard bulbs......revisited

    Rick, Thank you for your reply. That is what I thought may be the case..... I will get my meter on it and try to get a reading.... J
  14. johnb5177

    Dashboard bulbs......revisited

    Hi folks, Back to what seems a perennial problem....failing dashboard bulbs....specifically the 3 that illuminate the temp/odometer/time section. I have ordered a set from Autobulbsdirect, as specified in the fixed thread on these bulbs. I understand that LEDs have polarity, and I can check...
  15. johnb5177

    Renewal for next year.....

    Hi Guys, The tractor still lives, will need a bit of welding sometime in November for MOT, so I'm back for another year....... Managing to stay sane during this ridiculous C19 situation, just about...... :thumb2:thumb2