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  1. jchrisj

    hi from sunny oldham!

    just reread almost sounds argumentative, it wasent meant to, it was all meant in jest. On other forums i am a member off, you can edit a posted comment, i cant find how to edit on here Dont take offense cheers Chris
  2. jchrisj

    hi from sunny oldham!

    erm.......hhmmmm................bent many lamp post's???? Its like sewer workers, someone has to do it..........Just not me lol
  3. jchrisj

    hi from sunny oldham!

    Dunno, wots the 81, if you meen busses, i dont use em, there bad for my health...........have you seen the drivers
  4. jchrisj

    hi from sunny oldham!

    what............the wet side................:augie
  5. jchrisj

    hi from sunny oldham!

    must be something in the water in th'owdem just to say hi, and i am also from oldham. also have the terrano but mines a lwb Were in derker over on shaw road Chris
  6. jchrisj

    how many of you are their (in north west)

    Waving at y'all, from costa del th'owdam (Oldham) ..........:grouphug:grouphug
  7. jchrisj

    Urgent help required - please - someone !!!

    Hi paul, And welcome from a fellow newbie. I'm intrigued as to how you managed it, but as a terrano owner, please dont post here now, id hate to get up tomoz and me baby was gone:confused: Chris
  8. jchrisj

    My BLOODY laptop.....

    re run it a couple of times then do a restart then google ccleaner and down load that and install, go to the options and set it to guetman (35 passes), set that running. takes about 10/15 minutes. then to be doubly sure get adaware, again get the free version, and get that to do a full system...
  9. jchrisj

    My BLOODY laptop.....

    i know i'm new and stupid system care 3 free I SAID FREE know theres some yorkshire luvvies on here..............lovely cuppa gromit it is really good at sorting vista out. Personally i like xp and 7 but to be honest, still think xp was the best. click the link below to...
  10. jchrisj


    Whats an LSD then?? Yea yea newbie question i know, type slow and loud so it sinks in Cheers Chris
  11. jchrisj

    Im new here but i like a bit of ruff

    i have just set up a lane day for sat i may be able to squeeze you in one of the groups :thumb2 Sorry cant make saturday, family do to do ya know Thanks for the invite, defo for next time, would love to do something like that with my lad. Chris.............found me stella..............Ha...
  12. jchrisj

    Im new here but i like a bit of ruff

    Hi All Just to introduce myself..........big chris......hi. Had a nissan mistral 2.7tdi auto loved it but wore the fuel gauge and filler cap out. did couple of mild green lanes, bought caravan, used even more fuel hated caravan sold that, got fed up with fuel economy and sacked the mistral...