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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. D

    New guy!

    i have both petrol and diesel swb and both are as good as each other. the main benefit to the petrol is alot more power and cheaper to buy than diesel. with fuel prices where they are at moment it is alot cheaper to fill the tank on petrol than diesel. running costs are not that much different...
  2. D

    my cars

    yes i use it for everything when the weather allows, it is cheaper to run, but i am in the car alot at is a beast of a bike, lots of torque and power. i wish a 1000cc car had the same appeal. dave :thumb2
  3. D

    my cars

    these are me and my wifes cars.....and the other beast in my life I love my cars, just wish mine was a lwb model . the bike is a monster and very capable. dave...
  4. D

    door sensor problem

    I think the solution is as already been said, add some double sided tape pads or something similar on door where it contacts it. it pushes the contact in more and turning off the sensor. any other similar repair will do the same job. dave g :thumb2
  5. D

    Soon to be terrano owner in Sunny Eastbourne !

    hi kay welcome to the club, happy to see you got you new terrano. I would love a lwb but money will not allow it at moment. just got two swb ones. I have got two coolie,s as x breed and the other a full breed puppy. lovely dogs dave g :thumb2
  6. D

    Please withdraw my membership

    come on neddy don,t leave mate...hope all is well mate.......... dave g :thumb2
  7. D

    All this snow, no way to go

    hi guys I have been in the hills all day playing in the snow today...what fun i have had. forgot the bloody camera..... dave g :thumb2
  8. D

    Hi from Shropshire

    hi mate welcome aboard dave g :thumb2
  9. D

    Car Wash

    you should go with a hand carwash or do it yourself it is the best and safest option. machine carwashes have a bad rep for damaging cars. dave g :thumb2
  10. D

    met office weather map!! LOOK!!!!!

    we have had some snow up the road from us and the mountains near us have lots of snow. I can see the snow on the mountains from my front window. not alot on the roads at now as it has melted, but we are forcasted more bad weather this coming week. hopefully some snow to play in... dave g...
  11. D

    yet another newbie..................

    you will always hear good and bad things about all vehicles and to honest it is usually down to negelect from past owners alot of it. you do get manufacturing defects and always will,but as long as you are aware of the faults, you will always be able to aviod them. at least to a certain amount...
  12. D

    yet another newbie..................

    hi cat welcome to the club... plenty of info on here. if i was you i would go with the navara. get the best of both worlds...on road and road....winner.!!!!!!!!! dave g :thumb2
  13. D

    Hello From Sunny Brum

    hi mate welcome aboard dave g :thumb2
  14. D

    Hi People from a new member

    yeah about 32-35 is a good estimate for deisel and a 2-3 mpg less for the petrol. look after it and it will serve you well. dave g :thumb2
  15. D

    Hello from HERTS.

    welcome ryan...enjoy mate dave g :thumb2