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Hello all
I got me first 4x4 about 5 months ago (terrano II)Its cold outside and inside my terrano. The heater is very poor is this normal? Even on long runs i can't seem to get the interior warm.
Yep!!! but you gotta forgive it one weakness:thumbs

Jim T

PS one or two other threads on the same subject. Basically our trucks are meant to work hard and probably in warmer climes too so they are blessed with one heck of a cooling system.
Hi mate, and welcome to the club. I've got a 1995 Mistral, and the heater is brilliant. The older wagons (Pre-1996 oblong headlight / non intercooled) don't have the pollen filter.
Also suffering from a poor heater, takes an age to warm up. going to have a look at the pollen filter in the morning. will a new one make make a difference. and where do i buy one

Thanks Wayne
I have a 1995 terrano 11 and the heater was fine until a top up of anti freeze
and an air block then it went warm.
Its ok now after getting it real hot and clearing it.
To get i t real hot was not easy took for a long run towing a live stock tailer then reved it up to 3000 and kept it there for 10 mins noise was awful
then towed with it through a very muddy field with a heavy trailer then pop
Hot air:clap these trucks really need work to get them hot:thumbs
Thanks for all the help
hope this helps you:thumbs
you reckon thars what it is then Timbo? Its gotta be said the heater aint brill by any stretch of the imagination.
I dont need a thermostat mine was just an air block:thumbs but the others may need one why are giving them away:lol:lol:cool:
Where does your temp gauge sit, and how long does it take to get there?

Should sit at 11:30 (i.e. nearly vertical) after a drive of about 3 miles, and heater toasty.

my t2 ran just off cold on gauge, fitted new thermostat and roberts your mums brother, now sits halfway and you have to open the window lol,

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who does this remind you of????

<a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZSfox000%2526i%253D36%252F36%255F2%255F51%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_2_51.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D36%252F36_2_51%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a>

give you clue it starts with a Z
The temperature guage sits just above cold, even after a good run, and never gets any higher. So looks like a new thermostat is called for. seems to be a bit of confusion as to where the guage should read when up to temperature? Pretty sure mine doesnt get high enough, but nearly vertical/1130? is that right, would have thougt halfway would have been more like what it should be. Where does yours sit at?

On the older Terranos the gauges are verticle so yes at 11.30 it would be overheating but on the newer ones the gauges are horizontal so 11.30 is just less than half way which is about where mine runs.
mine is an older one and it sit about halfway, but doesnt take long to get there and never goes over!!!
but still bloody freezing and can never ever seem to warm my feet properly!
do i need a new thermostat? maybe a hotter temperature one if they do such a thing
Until two months ago I had an 82 degree standard thermostat in mine and it rarely climbed up the gauge. However remembering a thread from a couple of years ago I remembered someone fitting an 88 degree version. So I ordered my self an 88 degree and fitted it, temp now climbs halfway up the gauge and stays there with nice hot air coming from the vents. Ilooked at my old stat and found a rubber seal to be perished and damaged. I'm not sure if this was just letting water through all the time or if the high temp stat has done the trick but which ever it is I've now got a stable temp and warm car. I'm also pretty sure the pollen filter needs changing too as this also stops air circulating. I've since found out that it is Toolbox who fitted the 88 degree stat and he says that his has been fine too.

Belt and braces I got an 82 degree as a spare just in case it gets too hot.

Jim T
Pollen filter is the way to go.

My heating was rubbish until I changed it .

Also as I found out on Sunday ,if you completely cover your rad in mud and drive around the M25 at 70 the heating get REALLY hot ;O)
