Clutch irregularities

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Active member
Mar 4, 2015
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Hi guys,
So I had my clutch fail boxing day on my 3.0 and having looked around for parts I'm a little perplexed to the many parts which seem to be available for the same vehicle.
I've ordered new master, slave and am about to order the clutch flexi pipe too but wanted to bounce off other peoples experience.

The master cylinder I ordered was as per pic below which is what all the factors list for the truck

however mine is like this -

Have any of you got the one fitted in the first picture?
I'll be making a new pipe to fit the first one as its identical bore (5/8") with a different exit point but curious to see what others have fitted to theirs.

Also the slave listed for my truck is a 3/4" bore slave but is quite a bit more than the one I got for a song (Just over £6 on sale - originally for an Urvan).
Same bore, looks identical, JRW part numbers cross reference but time will tell if it'll work correctly. Anyone else experienced using a similar slave?

Also I have read a few places about Terranos coming with clutch accumulators? Is this right? I question it as both of ours haven't had one fitted.

I will add I have had years of experience working in the automotive industry so know all about apparent identical parts (and their pitfalls), i am just curious as to other peoples feelings etc who have more experience with Terranos. Have you sourced parts for other models etc which work?
Hi guys,
So I had my clutch fail boxing day on my 3.0 and having looked around for parts I'm a little perplexed to the many parts which seem to be available for the same vehicle.
I've ordered new master, slave and am about to order the clutch flexi pipe too but wanted to bounce off other peoples experience.

The master cylinder I ordered was as per pic below which is what all the factors list for the truck

however mine is like this -

Have any of you got the one fitted in the first picture?
I'll be making a new pipe to fit the first one as its identical bore (5/8") with a different exit point but curious to see what others have fitted to theirs.

Also the slave listed for my truck is a 3/4" bore slave but is quite a bit more than the one I got for a song (Just over £6 on sale - originally for an Urvan).
Same bore, looks identical, JRW part numbers cross reference but time will tell if it'll work correctly. Anyone else experienced using a similar slave?

Also I have read a few places about Terranos coming with clutch accumulators? Is this right? I question it as both of ours haven't had one fitted.

I will add I have had years of experience working in the automotive industry so know all about apparent identical parts (and their pitfalls), i am just curious as to other peoples feelings etc who have more experience with Terranos. Have you sourced parts for other models etc which work?

Hi Mate

Good luck with it all, I hope you manage to get it all sorted out.

I'll check my Granddads 3 litre compared to the one in my 2.7 tomorrow and take some comparison pictures if you like.

I'd always try and get the exact part to be fair, one less thing to be uncertain about should you get any other clutch issues later down the line. Have you tried Milner Off Road?
Has it arrived yet ?

It might be that the picture is a generic one and not what you actually get or has it arrived and its different ?

I have found e-bay sellers in particular do this as its easier than uploading a picture for every variant.
It might be that the picture is a generic one and not what you actually get or has it arrived and its different ?

I have found e-bay sellers in particular do this as its easier than uploading a picture for every variant.

Anyone's guess what you will get if you order from Milners, order a slave cylinder, probably receive a shock absorber :nenau
Thanks Banshee, just your observations would help unless your keen to play photographer!
LoL I have heard all the horror stories about Milner! Must say I managed to get the right bits I ordered before xmas so 100% success so far. New suspension poly bushes, bump stops etc but hard to bugger up really.
Between my father and myself we have nearly 100 years experience working with mechanics etc and believe me, what my father hasn't done over the years isn't worth doing. One of his first cars was an Austin A30 which he supercharged to give you a bit of an idea. So I have good experience with alternative parts to make things work.
It seems most places only list the bottom exit clutch master now as default part. Contacted quite a few and all come back saying thats how their part looks. The back exit is specific to the Terrano 3.0 where as the other has multiple listings so I assume its replaced the original at some point and adapted for use as its more economically viable to use a part used on lots of vehicles rather than just one. Lets be honest, its only a matter of a couple of quid to make a new pipe to the flexi clutch pipe.
Well today I decided to get on with my clutch.
It was cut short by the heavens openning but I managed to get the master off and the clutch pedal box assembly out.
The top bolt holding the pedal box to the bulk head was loose which wasn't good to start with so glad I'd had to do this now. I took the pedal box out and sure enough I had the worn bush issue which was causing the pedal to stick. Luckily I had ordered the bronze bush to tap in so got on with that as I couldn't progress outside in the wet. What a disaster!!!!
I should have known better but having a hangover decided to simply follow the instructions and gently tap the bush into place.
By the time I'd finished the bush had broken in 2 places and the pieces had fallen out. Not best pleased!!!!
I'd already had concerns about the new bush but ignored my better judgement and went ahead with it. Now on reflection I shouldn't have been lazy and simply turned one up on my lathe & saved the my £15. Guess that'll teach me!!!!!!!
Needless to say I'm now going to drill out the hole so it is round again and make the new bush with far thicker walls.
Has anyone else used these bushes? I'm not at all pleased with myself or the bush but I will live and learn.
Pics below of my old bush and new one at various stages.
Plus the length of bronze I'll use to make my own and my Gate Sturditurn in my workshop. So handy to have a lathe and mill in my back garden :clap








Looks very similar to the bush/pin I used.
To be honest I had no issues, I did not take the assembly off the car but used long Hex Head bolt through the new bush to help it go in through the hole square and clean, and bracing the pedal to stop it moving, held the threaded end of the bold and used a small hammer gave it a few taps and it was in. I then removed the bolt connected everything up and fitted the securing clip. Have to say though my pin was no where near as worn as yours looks.
The hardest thing was contorting myself into the foot well, and trying to see what I was doing. Others have said about removing trim under steering wheel but thought I would make it hard on myself.

Could be machining tolerance thing I guess :nenau
Well spent an hour sulking and then popped out to the lathe and knocked up a new bush. Reamed the pedal hole out 2 sizes and made my new bush to fit.
Rather than copying the new style bush I made mine a top hat bush similar to the original plastic one.
Pressed the new one in and it worked a treat. I'll make sure I grease it well before I put it back together. Made it out of brass in the end as its tougher and with the extra way thickness I hope will withstand the future use.
Problem with the new ebay bush was it is very weak with loading. If the hole is slightly damaged with a burr, etc it will distort to the shape of the hole and break the bush. All things I really should have thought about when doing it but a thick head the morning after didn't help.
Worth thinking about though if anyone else comes to change the bush in the future! For the sake of 3 bolts to remove the pedal box and run a drill through the hole to clean it up............

Glad no-one spotted the bronze i was going to use was actually copper :eek:
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New Master cylinder coupled to clutch pedal and new bush in place
Here's hoping all works well.
Still interested to know if anyone else has a 3.0 Terrano with this design of master cylinder.



I'm glad to see this thread with such detailed pics!!! I'm ashamed to say that I forgot to get pictures of the master cylinder for you :(
I'll try tonight if I can get some decent shots with the flash.

I too have the clutch pedal return issue and also suspect the bush, Bigbunny swapped his for a brass one and it wore out again in no time :O

I've been offered a brand new pedal assembly and rather than go through this nightmare I think I'm just going to get that and swap the lot.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Thanks for the pics Banshee!!!!!
As expected, the listed 3.0 master cylinder at most motor factors is infact the 2.7! Well sod paying £115+ for the 3.0 if the 2.7 will work.
Strange how they used a different body for the 3.0 yet the internal bores etc are identical. Well I have the master fitted now and will adapt the pipe to fit next. Then the slave and we'll see how it works! Keep your fingers crossed.
Thanks for the pics Banshee!!!!!
As expected, the listed 3.0 master cylinder at most motor factors is infact the 2.7! Well sod paying £115+ for the 3.0 if the 2.7 will work.
Strange how they used a different body for the 3.0 yet the internal bores etc are identical. Well I have the master fitted now and will adapt the pipe to fit next. Then the slave and we'll see how it works! Keep your fingers crossed.

I aint worried, you've got this :naughty :thumbs

No probs mate, the more pictures on the forum the better, I worry about them all vanishing one day, I think I'm going to take a backup of all mine just in case anything ever happens to Photobucket, just need to see if I can mass download them all now :doh
Below are pictures of the slave cylinder I used.
Like stated previously its for the Nissan Urvan E24 but at £6.08 its a steal.
Ebay Listing for Slave Cylinder
The slave itself is identical to the original 3.0 Terrano unit. The only difference is the length of the new rubber boot and length of the shaft (4mm shorter).
Simple to fix, cleaned up the old shaft on my wire wheel and soaked the old boot in WD40 for a day to recondition the rubber.
All fitted and works a treat as does the 2.7 master. Its nice as it has the top bleed valve which assists bleeding the system. I simply copied the old pipe in copper cunifer making allowance for the bottom mount of the 2.7 master. 10 minute job make and as long to swap over!
May be of use to someone if not now in the future.


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