what a great place this is.

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
I just thought I put some thoughts down on "paper".

I have a bit of involvement in a couple of forums, this one being the main one. Something happened on the other forum which bought sharply into focus just how great this place is.

I was reading a post about a process and had a question. I posted the question in one sentence under the original post. The response I got back surprised me. I was basically told:

"I'm not telling you the answer, go a read up or google it until you get the answer, that's how you find things out, that's how I found out. Then you do trial and error yourself to work out whats right."

This from a forum supposedly to help people out and share information.

I suggested the person try Googling "arrogance" to which I got the reply "well if you can't be bothered to find out this is how you do it, I'm now offended and logging off" although it had no relevance to my question.

In the mean time someone else had already backed me up, and someone else had already given me a one line answer to my question.

Which brings me back to my point.

This is a GREAT forum. I have asked some pretty moronic questions, which when answered have made my feel like a numpty. But no-one, absolutely no-one has ever said "go away and find out somewhere else". I have seen some rather basic question asked, and answered in a sympathetic manner. After all, we all didn't know at some point.

So, lets carry on the good work, and help anyone else who comes along to learn and build on this great forum.


p.s. Lazy-Ferrett, you were quite right, there are some obnoxious asses on that forum who do take it too seriously.

Totally agree with you, I've joined other forums and none have ever been as helpful or the same atmosphere as this one. I find Facebook very similar to the lesser forums too.
It is a good place and frequented by good people. If you put up with me , it can't be that bad (or can it?).

I was once asking for the name of something on a forum, I knew what it was and what it did. I just didn't know the English word so I could search for it.
I was told to Google it.
Google what? I replied.
Someone else gave me the answer.
There are some proper a-holes out there who'd get slapped in face to face conversations.
It doesn't matter how simple the question is. If you don't know the answer, you don't know.
That's how you find the answer, by asking.
Everyone can not know everything. Though there are certain folk to claim they know everything :lol
I'll agree with all thats been said :thumbs

This place is top and the answers I've had back in the past have been awesome, I wouldn't know 3/4 of what I do now about these motors if it hadn't been for this forum :thumb2
Yep, this is a cranking site.

All questions are answered, most within a few hours,

But we do have what a lot of other sites don't have and don't like,

A sence of humour!! With something else is sadly missing from the world in general.
But we have here in bucket loads. Friendship.
Not only do we use the site, but we open our doors. And physical help each other.
Some members are local other are miles away. We don't hold back, we just do.

Some members. Stay even when they sell there Nissan, we even let Land rover owners on here. But they stay, because of one thing, and one thing only. Friendship,
I have always been told there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you guys knew me and the job I do , then realised I have asked you about what oil to put in my truck you would shake your heads at me lol . Even if you have a good idea of what's wrong it's always good to get a second opinion. :thumb2
I have always been told there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you guys knew me and the job I do , then realised I have asked you about what oil to put in my truck you would shake your heads at me lol . Even if you have a good idea of what's wrong it's always good to get a second opinion. :thumb2

Come on Tim, spill the beans!!!


Do you work for the Government :hide:
I have always been told there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you guys knew me and the job I do , then realised I have asked you about what oil to put in my truck you would shake your heads at me lol . Even if you have a good idea of what's wrong it's always good to get a second opinion. :thumb2

He's a L**d R***r mechanic!

Knowledge is power :thumb2
It's how you learn by asking questions.
Mind you the youth of today know it all as I've learned from our fresh out of school apprentices :lol
Actually as I tell the young people that I instruct the only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked:thumbs

If it hadn't of been for this site I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have my two project cars:clap
Actually as I tell the young people that I instruct the only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked:thumbs

If it hadn't of been for this site I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have my two project cars:clap

I don't know how you do it Clive :bow

2 project cars and a normal car

My daily driver is a daily project car :(
I don't know how you do it Clive :bow

2 project cars and a normal car

My daily driver is a daily project car :(

I'm skint and im not called Clive ok Fred:thumbs

Been thinking about selling the daily drive and promoting the project truck. As for the mg project it doesn't cost a lot yet as I don't have time for volunteering for the youngsters. Got this weekend off and was supposed to be going across to dougs for the bumper (another great favour from club members) but struck down with terminal man flu. So enforced rest for me:doh
I'm skint and im not called Clive ok Fred:thumbs

Been thinking about selling the daily drive and promoting the project truck. As for the mg project it doesn't cost a lot yet as I don't have time for volunteering for the youngsters. Got this weekend off and was supposed to be going across to dougs for the bumper (another great favour from club members) but struck down with terminal man flu. So enforced rest for me:doh

Wtf!!!!!!!!!! Jim I'm really sorry that happened last time I think someone's been messing with the dictionary on my phone because when I typed Jim it autocorrected to Clive [emoji38] [emoji38]

If I put my sisters name in "Sasha" it kept changing to "Lisa" [emoji38] It has to be my brother the little git!!
Wtf!!!!!!!!!! Jim I'm really sorry that happened last time I think someone's been messing with the dictionary on my phone because when I typed Jim it autocorrected to Clive [emoji38] [emoji38]

If I put my sisters name in "Sasha" it kept changing to "Lisa" [emoji38] It has to be my brother the little git!!

Spoekn like a true techie:lol couldn't of put it better myself :doh
I have always been told there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you guys knew me and the job I do , then realised I have asked you about what oil to put in my truck you would shake your heads at me lol . Even if you have a good idea of what's wrong it's always good to get a second opinion. :thumb2

He's Oilman :lol:lol:lol
<<< SNIPPED >>>>
p.s. Lazy-Ferrett, you were quite right, there are some obnoxious asses on that forum who do take it too seriously.


I read your post, and all the way through, assumed it was another car forum, then got to the end bit and realised.....

I really do not understand the problem of some of people, do they really think Google just miraculously self populates with all these answers, it needs people to post the answers in order for others to be able to search on them.

The first time I got a similar response on there, I thought,"well, if I am going to have to do a google search for all my answers, why do I need to be on this forum?" I only pop on there once in a blue moon now, where as I check this forum several times a day.