Bloody Sick Of Them Now

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Monaro Pete

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 23, 2016
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On Friday 5th we had Pikeys move onto the local park. First a few & now after nearly two weeks you can't down there for the dirty bastards.
This park is within a stones throw of my house.
I rang the council on the following Monday & they told me they'd had lots of phone calls about them & the council have to go through all the legal procedures....... Going to court, obtaining a court order with a date for them to leave, serving the court order etc etc.
Now all this costs many hundreds of pounds of yours & mine hard earned cash.
Basically they've cut through a padlock & opened the barrier to gain access. There's rubbish all over the park, dog shit & worst of all human shit every were in the wooded area with tissues that they've wiped their arses with.
I rang the council again today to get an update..... They said a court order has been served for them to leave at the weekend & if their not gone by then the bailiffs & the police will used, she said they don't normally wait for that to happen & leave.
So basically two weeks we've put up with them. I usually cut across the park to gain access through the Ind Est & then onto the fields when I take the dog a walk.
They have god knows how many dogs running loose & mine just goes mad, because she sees them as a threat to her & me.
When they've gone I shall take pictures of all the mess they've left & send it of to my MP.
Now I expect the dumb ass council will come along clean up the mess, replace the lock with another chocolate one & go away.
I expect the Pikeys love it on the park as it's very quiet & I expect in the future they'll return. Now they've found the place, as they've not been on this park before.
Instead of making the park more secure with a proper barrier that can't be so easily forced the council won't, they'll just wait for the next time & then it'll cost more money to repeat what could be prevented for a smaller expense, but in the long term quite a large expense.

These dirty bastards have really pissed me off & I've laid awake at night trying to think of a way to piss them off so they'll leave, but as of yet I haven't come up with anything that doesn't put me in danger or anyone else after they've gone.

If you're interested I shall post pics on here for you all to see, though it's not like you probably haven't experienced them your self. Though I hadn't up this close till now.
A friend of mine lives opposite the school and she was telling me earlier today what a state the place is in.
Been a while since we had any down your way. Last I can remember is when they took up residence at the bottom of the railway station carpark.
I used to cut through that way to get to work at Blackwell and it was a right mess.
Acrophobic, homophobic n xenophobic a as my views come out:D
These peoples call them selves travellers, so crack on fellas n travel, just don't leave all your sh!t behind when you go...we are all passing through somewhere :thumb2
We had them a about 4 or 5 years ago a couple of fields away, they came to me looking for water, I calmly explained that we draw our water from the ground and have to pump and filter it as we are not on the mains, so none spare, they left, but a while later our very old and fat Jack bitch went missing for several days, so off I went to their site, confronted a woman in a van and said "have you seen a Jack Russel bitch black and white" she said "no but have a pregnant bitch" I said "let me see her" standing bolt upright with a sour look on my face, she came out with our dog Bonnie, I said " she is not a pregnant bitch, she is a fat old lady, keep your f*****g hands of and if I have to come over here again it will be with with a f*****g chain saw", never saw them again and shortly later they were moved on, some friends on a farm not far away also had them, police did not want to know so father and son went down one evening with shotguns let off a few at their vans, they were gone next morning, they were stealing Derv from the farm tank, Rick
Some near us recently as well.

Trouble is in Derby the City Council has failed to meet it's Statutory Obligation to provide a Park for "Travellers" since the legislation was passed over 20 years ago for Local Authorities to provide such sites.

Whenever the Council Try to Designate / Identify a site and apply for Panning Consent the local NIMBY's quite understandably protest so as the Council want to get re-elected it never get provided.

Here at least in Derby we are the authors of our own troubles. If there is a Designated site then any unlawful camp in a certain radius can be moved without the need for a Court Orders. Its just a Police Visit then they have to go within I think it's 12 or 24 hours.
Farmer round here used to go down with the slurry spreader, once word got round he was willing to use it he didn't get too many turning up :lol

That's exactly what we do here. They won't stay around shit so guess they do have standards lol. But yeah very often the spreader comes out when a few turn up and coats the hedge line and them if the farmer sees fit to do so. One time he chucked a few nice sized flints in and waited for them to dissappear off (steeling trip ) nd it pretty much distroyed couple of the vans was awesome to watch
If you've lost your key, what do you do? Use a pi-key :doh
We had them near us for maybe 5 weeks. They found the gate "open" apparently and left a huge mess behind:(
When I was working, we had an encampment on the estate for...........over 20 years.......supported by the county council, against the wishes of my employers, who where the land owners, and the city council.
It took a high Court case, when one of them foolishly tried to claim 'adverse possession'(squatters rights).......he had a high flown barrister, so did we.......but they forgot about me......and that I collate information like a Cray server, and have the long term memory of an elephant.....when I took the stand and destroyed his case and very spurious evidence, he lost the case.
Within 6 weeks the sherrifs bailiffs, armed police, 4 x 30 ton hymacs, city council reps and me with a team of bodyguards (I had threats made against me of a very serious nature), evicted them all.
It took 6 months and over £500k to restore the site to a semblance of its former self, which I knew and loved. Within 18 months, it was once again a fantastic site for nature conservation and the species returned.
I am no friend of these so called travellers, but we must be very careful with this thread, that we do not breach any rules or guidelines for the forum, on racism, discrimination, etc., but in a PC world in which we live in today, we are not allowed to voice our very real feelings about this section of our society.......:nenau
i wouldn't mind so much if they were decent. NOw I'm generalising here, so apologies for that, but there is no decency among them. They disrespect anyone or anything that isn't part of their community, oh they are all nice faces when they want something off you for no effort, but nasty as hell when they don't.

If they just cleaned up after themselves, were nice to those around them, I don't think anyone would have an issue. BUt no, they are nasty, dirty and they are happy to break the laws the rest of us are forced to obey.
They all left today :clap :clap :clap :clap

They had lots of difficulty getting off the park with all the rain we've had :lol :lol :lol
I was hoping to have more rain prior to them leaving so they got bogged in.
It really does turn into marsh land when it rains for a while. That way it may have deterred them on coming back.

They had to be gone by the 22nd which is tomorrow. I haven't been down for a proper look yet to see the mess they've left.
I had a wander earlier, but some were still packing up for the off.
Tomorrow will be pic day & then an email to my local MP.

See if it bears any fruit, though I won't be holding my breath :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Some have just left near me, notice all the tree and bush trimmings etc., yeh they might be cheap but look where all the shite ends up, the other stuff is probably from cheap rubbish removals :mad:

Imagine that......x20 years, plus them using our woodlands to break up and dump stolen cars, plus using them as toilets.......that why it cost so much to clean up after them.......and they demand their 'human rights' as an ethnic minority...:nenau
i am away with my van many months of the year,friends call me a piky but in life i am not.
i came home to clacton on sea to see the 25th air show and as when at home i always get local paper to read whats been going on.
over the summer we had several groups turn up and claim their right etc but here the council pre book court dates and they seem to be moved on within a couple of days.
the day befor the air show some turned up and pitched up on the greensward very close to where the show was to be,anyway they were removed the same day so why cant other places do the same.
agreed they leave area dirty with human crap,what dog wipes his ass,as they do not have on board toilets as its there way.
at a village called gt bently they turned up cut the lock claimed it was open,but was court on cctv so he is being done for criminal damage,the village hall was full due to a meeting and someone from the hall saw so they all went out and blocked entry,1 got in but others could not it got heated cops called and finally they went except 1 as they would not let him go for a long time.
good on the villagers.
Bloody hell Doug :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
How long where they there for?
It wasn't that bad down were I am, but the council came in the very next day to tidy up so I didn't get chance to take any pics :rolleyes:
I'm not sure, but maybe my council didn't want me taking pics & sending them to my MP like I said I would do :D

We had lots of garden rubbish too. There's still bits left that the council didn't remove (guess they didn't see the point). Lots of burnt patches where they had fires though.
Whilst they were here one drove past me when I was on the drive & reversed back to ask if it was my conifer in the corner. My reply was "yes & like it that way" end of discussion :lol :lol