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if you catch them live, you cant let them go. You might be able to call pest control or RSPCA (that's what we did when we found a nest of mice babies after accidentally killing their mum), RSPCA came and picked them up,.
Ultrasonic did the trick for me, I had rats size of kittens, big spring traps did the trick at first, mind you they tried to run off with them. :eek:

Aldi/Lidl had ultrasonic soon after, bought two not has a sign of them for months:clap
we use the old wooden traps, had them bloody years though. i find that chunky peanut butter works great. just tip the bodys in the wheelie bin else youl attract other vermin or worse.... CATS lol. once caught one poor little sod by his gonads, christ i felt for him. impressive little fella though lol
i found packet catfood worked, and if the traps dont go off and the bait has gone it might just need some tunning, it needs to snap with the slightest preasure.. i used to catch moles and had to tune all my traps for them..
true, but i dont have foxes anymore... i have chickens! theres a cat "sanctuary" on the farm over the road, basically this mad old woman throws loads of food out and attracts lots of cats whilst claiming to rehome unwanted cants, she doesnt! result is awash with ferrel unneutered cats....ggggrrrrrrr!
use poison in safe places away from pets and kids, best is type though sounds awful that they take it back to nest and deals with them all.

its suprising how tiny field mice are, and no wonder they can get thru holes that virtually aren't there. will get them either with a change of weather or if theres a harvest nearby.
I would not use poison if they are in your house, they often die in cavities or under floor boards and the stink is sickening for days, Rick
Only way to effectively deal with mice is to keep trapping until you get a run of a week or so with no kills. Live-capture traps, & 'deterrents' are useless! Poison is effective, but as mentioned a carcass can stink for weeks, plus you have no real way of monitoring how effective your management of the problem is. And regarding the live-capture traps, trust me, you may well catch a few but unless you relocate them at least a mile or so away they'll just come straight back.

Those Big Cheese 'pre-baited' traps are utter crap, in my honest opinion! If you have to use them, ignore the 'pre-baited' nonsense & bait them with peanut butter (the smooth type, not crunchy.......) and make sure you fill the holes in the 'cheese'. If I were you though, I'd bin them & get some easyset plastic ones (Proctor are my favourites).

Make sure to disinfect your hands if you've been touching any surfaces the mice could've been on................they carry all sorts of nasties, including Salmonella & E-coli. And make certain not to leave any food lying around whatsoever. The wee buggers can live quite happily on crumbs, & you'd be amazed at the heights they can get to, or the size of gap they can squeeze through. At the end of the day though, the only reason they're there is because they have a source of food. If you can identify that, then remove it, you take away any reason for them to be there & that should be an end to your problem :thumb2
well .... im disappointed :eek:..... no freaking mice caught ..... gonna try again tonight using peanut butter on all FOUR TRAPS ... yes ive got four now .... I will get the little .....
You should try living where I live in the middle of bloody nowhere! mice are a part of everyday life, they will eat anything you leave out and can be caught. We use the little nipper traps with chocolate, not the best way I know but we haven't had as many since we adopted a stray cat, she catches them and play with them for a while then eats them but leave the giblets..... nice! We have squirrels too and I would say these are more of a pest than the meeces, they borough through underneath the chicken coop for the corn and destroy the lawns.... have also chewed the bark from every beach tree that lines the drive..... but funny to watch... you will surely catch them but they are cleverer than you may think!
You should try living where I live in the middle of bloody nowhere! mice are a part of everyday life, they will eat anything you leave out and can be caught. We use the little nipper traps with chocolate, not the best way I know but we haven't had as many since we adopted a stray cat, she catches them and play with them for a while then eats them but leave the giblets..... nice! We have squirrels too and I would say these are more of a pest than the meeces, they borough through underneath the chicken coop for the corn and destroy the lawns.... have also chewed the bark from every beach tree that lines the drive..... but funny to watch... you will surely catch them but they are cleverer than you may think!

very clever animal get an air rifle that will sort them.u will never get rid of them as u have poultry like any rodent the only true way to shift them is to take away what there looking for
very clever animal get an air rifle that will sort them.u will never get rid of them as u have poultry like any rodent the only true way to shift them is to take away what there looking for
.22 is better :)
well despite putting FOUR mouse traps down with loads of peanut butter on ......... NUFFIN !!!!! ...... im bluddie disappointed :eek: