Valuable bits

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Aug 15, 2010
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ok as many of you know my truck had a mishap today and is now kind of dead :lol

afte a good look around it the underneath is fine with no damage, i want to know what the most valuable bits are cos i know the insurance is gona do me over in some way.

transfer box is fine

auto gearbox unsure of as water maybe in there

diffs are fine

front hubs fine

axel fine

chassis fine

just need to know if can make more sellin the ok bit rather than scrapping it as all my work stuff was in truck aswell, i work mobile so the truck was a big part of my work as were the tools inside and the stock i lost too,
If I was u, I'd take the good bits of and keep/sell them. Then weigh the scrap in. That's what I'm doing with my swb as it's still got a good LSD and drive train You could always take the body of the chassis and weigh the body in and keep the chassis with all the drive components
Auto box will not have got water in it, they are sealed, even if it got hot and the vent pipe melted any water going in will not have done any damage as it has not been run since, as a precautionary measure drain a little oil if no water it will be fine, Rick
Remember to dig out all those recipts for all that expensive stock and also all your expensive work equipment that you always store in you car for mr insurance man.
Auto box will not have got water in it, they are sealed, even if it got hot and the vent pipe melted any water going in will not have done any damage as it has not been run since, as a precautionary measure drain a little oil if no water it will be fine, Rick

Something I wondered was, would it not boil fluid and knacker the internals? If the fire wasn't hot enough the auto box should be ok
this happened :(

aint claiming on insurance would be a waste of time as truck wasn't insured for business use premium would go up more than what the payout would be
If your not claiming you might as well get the wd40 out and strip all the parts, check whats still ok and then start ebaying.
There must be a few quids worth of engine and running gear at least, could be the start of a new parts business:)
If your not claiming you might as well get the wd40 out and strip all the parts, check whats still ok and then start ebaying.
There must be a few quids worth of engine and running gear at least, could be the start of a new parts business:)

have already been out there with my note book and calculator :lol so far bits could make a potential £2230 :thumbs:cool:
Guess that depends on what actually happened - surely you don't need to tell your insurance company if you just decide to scrap your car (by breaking it up for spares or setting it alight!)

Hope you manage to recover some of the loss R1cho.