roof lights.. part ... ??

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ive got the round lights, but know what you mean
I know that but I think it's more to do with what you mount them on when at roof level.
Do they do a slimline rectangular one? I think that would look better on a bar :thumbs
OR posiibly go for those oval type ones if there moulded into some sort of "eye brow" on the roof, not on a bar:rolleyes:
i agree, square type look better on roof bar. i cant stand massive round ones on the roof.

yeah mickey mouse ears would be fine in desert, but in our overgrown lanes not
going to last long.

apart from noise and drag, want to be low and protected, dare i say that the defenders
and some discos you see where the lights hang from a bar or cage are more likely to be
used in anger than some posey types way back on a roll bar in a pick up bed - where
a lot of the light is going to wasted melting the cab roof paint work.
didnt neddy have a sunshade type thing thet had spots mounted in on his red maverick?
maybe mav aswell?
Think this is Mav's..


I like the oval, good compromise....cos I don't agree about rectangular lights, they just look odd to me....and be honest, why? People will now come on saying how important they are but beef yer bleedin headlights up!...., if you are driving about in the dark in conditions that are drowning your headlights then you are off your trolley anyway...and as the man says, you can cook your Pot Noodle by lamplight and still start your car in the morning LOOL

LEDS are a bit pricey but I'm sure if you look you'll find them cheaper....wont be long before we have LED headlights the way things are going.
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LEDS are a bit pricey but I'm sure if you look you'll find them cheaper....wont be long before we have LED headlights the way things are going.
They're out now but HOW MUCH?:eek:
My mate Stuart Landie has some and they do spread a nice white beam :D but at 500 squid a pop I'll get by with my candle lights for a bit longer ta :eek: