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Mar 10, 2009
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so, I have sold some stuff on ebay, one itembeing a sink with micro switched tap. worth a few pennies, but i'm not fussed so let it auction off, sold at £2.20. my ad clearly stated collection only. SO some numpty in London wins it, then tries to get me to post it for inidcation of paying for the courier, or even the item. So of course I told him in no uncertain terms that if he wanted it, he had to arrange for a courier to collect, and that courier MUST package it for him. FAIR?? yes, course it is, for £2.20, i'm not messing about.

Anyway, hes mucked about for over a week, and finally after several emails, and me telling him no less than THRICE the courier must package, courier turns up and says sorry, we dont pack it up, you do.

ok, so I emaisl the guy, explains the problem, and for the fourth time the reason why I cant package the item up (im not being awkward, i dont have the time or even the stuff to pack it up) he mails me back kicking off, see here:

Please don't mess this up I have paid good money and spent ages arranging this collection. I have done all there is to collect this item and have asked you to place in a bag if you can't be bothered to cooperate then why should I deal with a man who isn't going to help. What the problem in putting it inside a black bin liner?
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

ha ha ha lol, what a prick. he never ASKED ME to place in a bag, I TOLD HIM and even had a responce from him agreeing and explaining that his courier would do it, see here:

> Subject: Collection date is tomorrow SATURDAYbetween 8am - 7pm
> From: [email protected]
> Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 18:53:29 +0000
> Hi there as agreed the courier is collecting sink and will place in there own bag for you.
> If the courier does not come them email or call if you think its too late and may not pick up I need to know exactly what steps are taken .
> My best deal was this sink thanks
> Anthony
> Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange


unbelievable. needless to say i sent him a message telling him how it is, refunded him, and created a case against him in ebay.

I clocked this guy from day one, and i'm not about to be fooled by some idiot who thinks he can get something for nothing (point being i suspect he would have tried to get his money back via ebay claiming goods damaged etc).

He showed me nothing but discourtesy from day one, and in the end has tried to "turn it around" making out its me being difficult? I'm not about to shove this sink in a plastic bag only for it to get damaged and for him to claim off me. idiot.

am I right, or have I really been difficult? because I dont think I have, considering the original ad was very clear-collection only. grrrr.
thats ebay for ya .... cup of teatime i recon and calm down..

leave them in the virtual world. and dont let them into your head, goes with any annoying pricks on the net, just look at another page........ simples .

i remember year ago or so when people used to get the needle on here . someone would put a post on and mayhem would break out..... usually someone would get the right arse and say " im so not inerested in this thread " then follow it up with my favorite one ever " im not even going to look at this thread anymore " . i even said it once too. pmsl

paullllyyyyyy said that one to me on thursday this week when i visited . we did laugh...

cos people always look they cant help looking.

what im saying i guess is chill and leave it where it is , on the net and not in your head. if you dont like something dont look ( if you can ) and have a tea
xtreme has this one sussed right, not worth the thinking of...............

there are always tossers on ebay, had a few myself except I tend to go straight for the jugular...... as soon as they start to mess around, start a case against them, one chance only then they can deal with the time on the pc responding......... best way.......
youre absolutley right guys, i've done what you have done and gone straight for the jugular! lef tit along, even gone so far as marking him as a blocked buyer and junked his mail!
ha ha ha haa haaa..sorry, couldnt resist. got an email via ebay today showing the buyer had refused to cancel the transaction, just look at his cock-english reason:

reason505 09-May-10 at 18:50:46 BST

the deal was all prepare in suited timescale but was delay by your un precidented action seen my the
courier She said'the item what ever it was and looked like a white pillow case the sink was all in
pieces on the living room floor',. She failed to see it was a sellable item so left to collect and
finish her shift.ok

The item is require still and would require the move on process were in at the
pres mo to comprehend further,to see this matter sold.
I don wan u suspended coop pls


the courier never saw inside my house, they saw me, holding the sink. I just dont get his weird lie, really I should have him pay me again, and send him some plastic peices. anyway, spoke to ebay about it, nowt he can do, any negative feedback can and will be removed PLUS he gets reported too for threatening "suspension" and all that. these sort of people get my heckles up!
I just cant understand his lie about the courier, it makes no sense whatsoever. Im just over the moon that this guy gets nothing AND his ignorance has cost him too (courier fees), maybe he will learn a little something out of this lol. fool.

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