replacement key

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I only have 1 key for my Terrano, have tried to reprogram an ebay special wothout any luck so I think I will have to bite the bullet and go to Nissan dealer, does anyone have an idea of cost, or other outlets
Is it the key or the button to unlock the doors? if it's the key transponder for the immobiliser you'll probably have to go to the dealer. No idea how much sorry.

Jim T
I have never got a Nissan one done, but from experience with ford and mazda, and incidently there are also mazda's badged up ford just like mavericks are badged up nissans (i htink the late mavericks were mazda's weren't they?) you are bst off going to the dealers but shop around as the price diffrenece form deale to dealer can be phenomenal.

I did this recently with a mazda - ford and two different dealers prices both main Fod agents were miles apart £127 all in, from one and £180 plus £40 plus VAT from another.

If i had tried to cut corners a key blank would have cost me £80 then £30 for programming then i had to get it cut as well, and if the key cutter ballsed it up then i would have been in the crap.

So bit the bullet and call at leat 2 dealers! incidently it might be worth asking ford and nissan!
I think you are right plank, it would be a lot easier and cheaper to try the main dealers, than it would be to get a mobile locksmith out, when the sh*t hits the fan on holiday or some other awkward time
well the dealers cocked mine up, but they sorted it out, and a mobile bloke might not be so commited'

first they realised i needed to get 2 new keys as they needed 3 to code the system and i only had one, i argueued so they met the cost of the second key

then they cut the new keys wrong, the worked the ignition but not the doors
then they forgot to put my old key back on the system and one of the new keys stil didnt work so i was back to one

then thay re did the lot so i edned up with 3 new keys for £127 and a few arguments all in including vat etc. I was fairly pleased with that, but it is a fairly valuable vehicle and i suppose that has to weighed against the cost of the key.