I Wanna Ship Out Of This Country

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Sep 20, 2004
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My turn to have a rant!!!!!!!

Lastnight whilst driving through a nice area (not), I noticed a gang of teenagers (I'm not gonna sound racist on here). Next thing I knew there was a bang on the side of the car, well I knew I hadn't hit anything so I thought better to drive on to somewhere safer. So sure enough a nice dint and scrape on the side of the wifes car:nenau. Reported it to plod who were in fairness nice about it. A bit later a phone call from plod saying they'd been out to the scene. Apparently I did the right thing not stopping and getting out of the car:eek: it's not a unique incident:eek: and that's what they want, you to get out of the car:eek: This was 7:40pm and I often drive that way with the kids in the car to the supermarket.

So now I've got a dint in the side of the car to remind me just how much I love living in this country:nenau

On the brightside it could of been the Terrano:lol


PS Mustafa ticket out of here:doh
Not getting any better over here is it..
Round here in Oldham, we have streets we can't go down at night if your white!! The police have said they will not help anyone who as the nerve to do so.. We are going backwards towards the dark ages..
where did the protect and serve bit go?
vigilanty state is it now?
police get right up my hooter some times, they are good enough to be there to get any motorist that does the slightest thing wrong but wont respond to certain problem areas ?
probably why they are problem areas!:hmh
Well I have to confess it pees me off too. I'm not racist; there are gangs of shiteheads of every colour frankly, and they all want their arses burnt IMHO.

Yet as said, the police will waste shitloads of valuable time AT OUR EXPENSE stopping you cos of your number plate or somesuch crapola.

Let the vigilantes loose I say....and get all those w*nkers out of their little camera vans while we're at it and back on their day job...

OH and bring back the birch.

Pass my Dail Mail over would you?
On the brightside it could of been the Terrano:lol

very true,
but then you could have RUN the buggers OVER
Come on Jim tell us where it was, you, me and Dinky can go round and sort em out - bit like a dumbed down version of the end of XXX 2, not sure Sammy LJ would employ a XXX who walks with a stick though eh JD.
Well Tterx nuff said to say that famous town where mummy faked a kid knap:nenau

Not the place to sound racist but I dare say their families may have come from another sub continent. Trouble is mate I was an ethnic minority in that area and it's a major route.
I was talking to my wife about the state of the country in general, thinking about how things have changed since we were teens. If you think how much worse it is now, just how bad is it going to be for our children and when we are old codgers:eek:

I saw a copy of the Daily Star thursday, once i'd got past page 3 there was a story about a group wanting to march in London. The groups object is to bring a different type of law system in to this country.

Think I'm gonna go live in Rosco's town:thumb2

This really sticks in my throat because my father like many other people fought for our freedom, some freedom.

well sorry but i am racist, and i reckon they should rounded up, taken somewhere quite and beaten severly, and then put straight on a plane and sent home and stuff the do gooders, any british to**ers, to be enlisted for 5 yrs in the army, after a years training they can go to afganistan and kick some ar*e there, legaly. rant over. the b*rst*rds.
I'm a true racist now & don't hold back :eek:
Not saying I'm proud of it :nono but thats what the governments made me & plenty of others...
VOTE BNP i say :augie
If your not British White :thumbs
3 or more generations of Black British i have no time for you :hmh
Other country's treat us like shit when we move abroad

Yet when they come over here they get everything on a plate :doh
& were just supposed to accept it :nenau
Civil War over here if there not careful :rolleyes:

Short rant over :eek:
Sorry to hear that scum attacked your car
It's not difficult to see where the problem comes from. We can all put on our narrow vision glasses and think we have the answer but the truth probably lies a million miles from where we are looking. Sometimes we should perhaps think who benefits from this type of thing happening in our cities? Of course,it will always be the same answer. The Government benefits because they continually allow this crap to go on and eventually they will introduce measures to supposedly deal with these problem areas but all they are really doing is taking more of our rights and freedom and doing so by creating fear and anxiety. We fall for it all the time because we have allowed the Governments be responsible for our safety and security, except that we don't feel safe and secure but rather threatened and therefore the Government must take more control and restrict our movement even more. Just a question for you all, how would you respond if every time you went to your local supermarket you were asked to go through a metal detector,remove your shoes and your belt,told you can't bring more than 100ml of liquid with you and can't have more than 10kg in your bag. Bet you would tell them to stick their supermarket where the sun doesn't shine. Yet every day we go to an airport we allow ourselves to be humiliated in this way and PAY for the privilege. So please don't blame any other group,minority or otherwise, for the crap that we all sign up to so we can have a supposed "normal" life. The fault lies with ourselves because we let it happen everyday in every way and it will go on until such time as someone has the balls to say enough is enough. Lech Walenska took a hell of a gamble in Poland but it paid off and he even ended up as President. Anybody out there fancy being PM?
Who remembers Aproved Schools n Borstals and children are there to be seen and not heard The bloody Do Gooder's got rid of them. Lets round up the do gooder's put em in with the s##t heads and lock the doors
this country

i am not a racist in my eyes.

i love my country my culture and my queen and i am proud to be white.

in others eyes that makes me a racist.

it is not to late in the uk, unlike the usa who have already elected the enemy within as a leader.

i live in a slum that is not only caused by the overwheming ethnic majority but the white scum that believes it is cool to act like and breed with the ethnics.

i have friends that a 2 or 3 generation west indian who also think the same

my brothers in arms live to 1 rule.

it is better to to tried by 12 than carried by 6. (the problem there is no guarentee nowadays who the 12 are)

we need a good civil war to sort out the weedy and the greedy

I take my hat off to Korea in some ways...
All 1 nationality :bow

The blame does lay with the voters :doh

The freedom of speech has gone / our rights in our own country have gone

We are now an ethnic community in our own country

We should of stayed away from the EU & the place has gone over the top with bloody health & safety & stupid rules :doh

We appear to be living to work & survive NOT working to live & enjoy :(

Need to make a stand like the Irish & Scottish i think :clap
Well may be I'm suffering a lack of freedom of speach by not totally speaking my mind. I think things have gone far too far in this country for it to get better.
I expect others to treat me like I'd treat them, I wouldn't abuse them, damage their property, assault them, rob them or intentionally cause upset. So why on earth should others expect to do those things to me and get away with it, seemingly the hands of the police are tied so people can almost do as they want. As people say there are scrotes of every background!!!

May be I expect too much:nenau

i am not a racist in my eyes.

i love my country my culture and my queen and i am proud to be white.

in others eyes that makes me a racist.

it is not to late in the uk, unlike the usa who have already elected the enemy within as a leader.

i live in a slum that is not only caused by the overwheming ethnic majority but the white scum that believes it is cool to act like and breed with the ethnics.

i have friends that a 2 or 3 generation west indian who also think the same

my brothers in arms live to 1 rule.

it is better to to tried by 12 than carried by 6. (the problem there is no guarentee nowadays who the 12 are)

we need a good civil war to sort out the weedy and the greedy


Or perhaps a major conflict or major disaster.
Sell up JT and come to proper part of Yorkshire ,youre too near Lancs for me.Wife saw the light.:thumbs:thumbs:thumbs
what area was this? Dewsbury? (just thinking you said where that stupid woman faked kidnapping, that was Dewsbury-i know the area well, I grew up very close to there)

I know what you mean, these kids are a waste of our taxes (and yes, thats true, cos our taxes pay for their homes, food etc etc) so why cant we do anything about it?

I say go back there, and throw a brick at them. Yes its what they want, they live for trouble up there, and they will justify their little gang attacks from their provocations, but a well placed brick to the head should sort some of them out.

So go on, where is the area? It sounds like i need to avoid it!
Bloody well vote then

Now just think about this little rant when the election comes round.
Give those twat politicians some right abuse when they come a calling for your vote.
Dont vote bloody labour what ever you do.
Push for proporsional representation as that'll keep the buggers in time with the rest of us.
Reject H&S at every oppertunity and ring plod for every thing you're upset by.
Make the sods do some actual "Policing" not stealth tax raising.
Take your rubbish to the council offices every other week. All that extra packaging you get in the supermarket, well take it back to them and dump it at customer services.
Oh yeh tell us where these twats live and we can have a drive by,gangsta style:naughty
Build more ships and keep the crims out at sea instead of the bloody luxury cells they get now.
Stop those toothpaste adverts shot from 20 different angles for foook sake.
And another thing let me drive on the bridle ways and footpaths:cool:
I'm liking this thread :clap

& will also say :bow THANK-YOU to BAT21 :bow for NOT :-

1. editing
2. deletting
3. kicking people off

As other forums i've been on would of booted us all off :eek:

1 place where we do have the "FREEDOM OF SPEECH "

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