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Aug 20, 2008
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Well that's a nice finish to the year end the wife got a £40 if you pay now parking ticket (rises to £70) courtesy of Magic Eye Car Parks at Aldi Burton on Trent overstayed by 14 mins. Limit is 1 hr 30 mins managed 1 hr 44 mins shopping with her elderly Mum (83).

Can't be arsed to go through a load of appeals to the better nature that they do not possess.
Noticed that Magic Eye is part of the Governments favorite Outsourcer Capita the robbing lot.
I had the same some years ago with Parking Eye in a Halfrauds car park.
I also over stayed by 20 od mins. I approached the Halfrauds branch with the letter. They approached the company with a copy of the letter & it was quashed.
I was shopping in the store at the time. I actually spent just shy of £400.00 on a mountain bike & I was taking my time choosing.

Could be an idea to approach the store & explain like I did :thumb2
I would ignor it, they will issue threatening letters but at the end of the day it is not in their interests to take you to court, and I am not sure that they have that right anyway, I for one would definately not pay, Rick
Sent you a pm earlier pretty much saying what Rick said. Private land is a civil prosecution and often not worth the bother or as Rick says may not be legal anyway.
Do some googling:thumbs

Mind you if you can prove you were spending money in the shops and had an elderly passenger, play on it
If you have evedence of genuine shopping at the store on that day then if the store want to retain you as a customer (which they do) then simply contact them with the problem, lets face it far too many people take advantage of free parking in these sort of parks when not even shopping at the store so yes they should be penelised, but not a genuine shopper that took longer than expeted, I rest my case your honour, Rick
I should add that there are many things that I will not/do not pay under any circumstances many of them "official" but if you research most of them have no legaly enforceable backing at all, do not just pay up, that is what they rely on, cos most are frightened of court action and credit refference scores, me, I do not give a stuff about either, Rick
The Wife's decision is final !

As the Jeep is registered & insured in the wife's name I have accepted her decision to just pay up and thus avoiding her the worry of threatening letters, endless correspondence etc.

TBH I might have reached the same decision if it were my ticket. Someones got to keep these Cowboys in business I guess.
That's all well and good, but what's the cost for "illegal occupation"? I guess the councl has to apply for an eviction notice, but you'll be gone by then. Worth looking into though.

Exactly. No contract entered into.
If Mr Loophole rates it , then it's a goer. I've got a template somewhere if you want to print a sticker :thumbs
Using your own notice ?

I am minded to take Mr Loophole with a pinch of salt he want to sell you his book. lol

In a lot of cases he has built up a reputation based on getting famous guilty people off speeding offences on so called technicalities when they should of course be found guilty like us ordinary folk.

What wrong with the old fashioned way - if your guilty be the bigger man (or woman) and admit your guilt. There are too many folk out there looking to blame legislators, signs or anyone else for their self inflicted problems.

Rant over, Parking Eye paid I sleep just fine thanks.
I don't mind paying for a legit car park, pay n display for example. I do however detest the money grabbing underhand ways of these modern day highway robbers. Parking in supermarkets for example then suggested "fine" of 80 quid etc. then made out to look like a life ending sentence if you dare appeal.
I recently had a client's express permission to park, yet Parking Spy shiesters still insist on 80 per 2 hours of work. Well sod them.
We've all been shafted bit by bit by the war lords and money makers.
We're continually loosing liberties gained over generations and effectively re-entering the slave race by apathy.
Rise up chaps, and sheep need to wake up and smell the mint sauce :cool:

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