a good idea for the club....... come on everyone join in

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 25, 2008
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hi i have started a new topic as i really dont want to spoil the other one i have running " how did you first find the club " , to be honest im really happy with the response you have all made there and im sure mav is too

later on when everyone has had a say ... the club can use that to promote the club for new people considering joining ... but put off by paying first

so with this in mind and its clear we all want the club to stay, in fairness its pretty good the way it is , i know some want more... ie funny pics and colorful language and i did / do too , ive had the warnings over the use of the word duck etc .... but on the whole its a good clean club site with friendly people and very good information

so i propose ... the club is working on a 10.00 annual subscription now

i think the club would need to survive 10.00 for 6 months subscription or 18.00 for the year

also i think we are loosing potentially 50% of new members by the pay first scheme.
this should be 1 week free access upon application through mav .

lets face it once in everyone will stay. if we keep it clean and safe

so this is a vote yes or no to what is in effect a price increase

your welcome to have your say if you like

also im in no way interested in buying the club , i have spoken to mav yes... but not about buying it
i do however believe, whoever buys it if anyone does they will have a price increase
i like the club and its good as it is and want it to stay

Where's the pole then extreme??
I would say yes as i know that other clubs are alot more!!
I'm in for a YES :wink:
A lot of sites do a fill in the form jobie first and then charge you after a period if you DONT CANCEL.
That way you tend to get more (forgetful types) and Mav shouldn't have to check them all.
Nice one extreme :wink:
If this has Mavs blessing then I think this is a good idea.
I found this site through Difflock Sweety and Hummingbird gave me advice there and told me to look at this site. I looked and had to spend £10 which at the time was a lot for me. I paid the joining fee and have not looked back since. A free post and look would have made me join quicker but to be honest there is not another site out there like this.
I love it the way it is good honest fun and sound information.
Keep it clean keep out the bad guys Mavs doing a great job we are all here because of him.
Thumbs up from me

Only thing that worries me about a weeks grace before payment .
is you open yourself up to the troublemakers
.if you let them into the full site .would it also be harder to stop spam etc.
would a cash boost be of use.
say £10 free gratis just to help the club along.

iandouglas said:
Only thing that worries me about a weeks grace before payment .
is you open yourself up to the troublemakers
.if you let them into the full site .would it also be harder to stop spam etc.
would a cash boost be of use.
say £10 free gratis just to help the club along.

i think if its all locked up but when you fill in the form to join , mav sends you a code or something (i cant remember to be honest) that way you are basicly invited in for a week then you pay ... this way you prevent hackers and other computers spamming etc. and mav still has control if they mess about . but we encourage new members to join. if we get enough we can look at the subs again next year
( it could go down again )... maybe if we get too many the club could put on a rally or a custom / rat show with prizes

its my belief we are loosing out on new members that get to the joining bit then move on

in the long term the club needs new faces and new funds... as any club does
Am I missing something ?

I dont get it Im affraid :?
What the hell do you want to put the price up for ? :?: :x :?
Why are you so interested in putting the price up ?
What difference will it make to the club ?
Why are you suggesting such a thing and why aint anyone else questioning this idea ?
:roll: :? :x
Yuv lost me cocka. :?

Im saying NO leave it/us alone please.

extreme-4x4 said:
i think if its all locked up but when you fill in the form to join , mav sends you a code or something (i cant remember to be honest) that way you are basicly invited in for a week then you pay ... this way you prevent hackers and other computers spamming etc.

its my belief we are loosing out on new members that get to the joining bit then move on

in the long term the club needs new faces and new funds... as any club does

Can't see this working with the week thing, it only takes less then a minute to upload a virus / trojan, then Mav's & us are back to squire one, costing loads to remove it, as for spamming to keep an eye on this would need the mod's to be on here 24/7 to keep control of it.

I totaly agree we need more faces /funds coming into here, which ever way you look at it, if & when who ever takes over needs to get their money back as soon as, so the sub,s I think will be the first thing to rise.

thats why you need to apply the same way (email mav) , and your invited in and given a code as normal this lasts for a week then you need to pay... imagine you could pay by cheque in this first week

so you cant just click and get in it could take 24 hours to get access but you do get to play for free so no risk to the new people.

and programs cant get access that way cos they'd have to email mav

thats how we are loosing people... they get to apply, then it costs so they move on cos you could pay and get nothing

oh and not everyone has paypal

lots of members were recommended this club so they didn't have the worry of risk ... i found it by Google and nearly moved on
Would you give them full access for the week or just to part of the forum?
ie so that they couldn't use things like the downloads, gallery.
any discount for pensioners? :lol: ............ a motorhome forum on which I lurk allows 5 post before you pay this is probably to draw into the site......bri
a good idea for the club?

my opion is if people want to join the club they will.1 weeks free access would just encourage people to take advantage,get the answers they need and dissapear.i wasnt worried about paying a tenner to join.no matter what you do you cannot force new membership.i probably would still have joined if it was £20 but thats just me.

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