number plates

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planning, ha ha ha
good luck!!!!

Steve I'm going to complain, your posts are always waaaaay too long mate. :augie:lol

@ Makeitfit...As regards number plates the last lot I had off ebay have the BS no. on them but no makers name. Does that mean they're black rat fodder?

Since you can only buy plates now via the legal system of presenting yourself at the plate producer with relevant documents, you can't buy any legal plates on line anywhere AFAIK. And yes, I think you'll find the platemakers name is more important than the BS mark.

But quite frankly, who gives a flying f*ck! Not me thats for sure!
LR do not have anything to do with paper deeds now, it is all electronic unless a property has not changed hands for the last 8 years or so, and then they are returning the deeds to owners and telling them they are no longer needed, re rates, it is not that we are trying to avoid them, but they will not issue a rate demand cos if they do they have to accept were we live and they are not going to do that, the rest is too complicated, you do tend to make things a little too black and white but there are many shades in between, Rick

I see all shades of the spectrum dont you worry about that.

You are entirely wrong about availability of paper deeds. We have just changed the details of one property and until wednesday tea time I had the paper documents in front of me for it ;)

Dont forget planning regs are there to ensure unsuitable development and shanty towns dont spring up. Your recent shindig indicated a victory in residency so why havent you started paying? if you are in unlawful occupancy , good luck to the council.

Dont forget every penny you force them to spend in administrating your private war detracts resources from other activities. Particularly pertinant when you arent contributing. Thats not black and white its pure sense.

We live in a society where we should pay our way and live by the general concensus and rule of law. Thats why Manchester is generally a better place than Mogadishu to be.
@ Makeitfit...As regards number plates the last lot I had off ebay have the BS no. on them but no makers name. Does that mean they're black rat fodder?

without a doubt :D:D

But quite frankly, who gives a flying f*ck! Not me thats for sure!

Me neither. I had ebay "show plates" on my T2 and was about to remove them due to a certain memo that was circulated at work mentioning some of our private and show plates in the context of proffesional standards :augie:augie:augie:augie:D

I also always used to swap number plates onto the back of the caravan from the car never had a problem :thumb2 until the ones on the jeep were stuck on with double sided tape :(:(
I see all shades of the spectrum dont you worry about that.

You are entirely wrong about availability of paper deeds. We have just changed the details of one property and until wednesday tea time I had the paper documents in front of me for it ;)

Dont forget planning regs are there to ensure unsuitable development and shanty towns dont spring up. Your recent shindig indicated a victory in residency so why havent you started paying? if you are in unlawful occupancy , good luck to the council.

Dont forget every penny you force them to spend in administrating your private war detracts resources from other activities. Particularly pertinant when you arent contributing. Thats not black and white its pure sense.

We live in a society where we should pay our way and live by the general concensus and rule of law. Thats why Manchester is generally a better place than Mogadishu to be.

Land Registry do not keep paper deeds full stop, and as for council tax and cost to society, I well remember the downfall of BCCI, and the disclosure that Rother DC had invested very large sums in said bank at a rate of 15% but in the accounts rates of only 7% were ever disclosed, where did the rest go,well it was well covered up once they discovered they had lost millions of our money, yes I was paying rates then, so please do not preach to me about being honest and paying my way, I am not interested, and yes I have won re the 4 year rule the council guys have visited and were very upset that I had beaten them, but conceded to the loss and even gave advice on how to proceed, as yet the rates people have not rated us, so pray tell me how I can pay rates, Rick
Good man Rick :thumbs
Our council "invested" millions in Iceland (banks not freezer shops)and guess what , they fooked up big time:doh
So we get shafted again and so do the kids in school etc.
Poxy council will spend tens of thousands of pounds doing bloody road sweeping on our lanes:eek: What the hell for? Damn lorry bungs up the road worse than a tin tent and is even less efficient at cleaning the road ffs.
Complete waste of money:eek:
Council tax my arse :p
Land Registry do not keep paper deeds full stop

Whoever said they KEEP them :nenau they certainly havent got ours, they came from the land registry to the solicitors last week, we had until they went to the bank this week . I can assure you I was sober and they were real.

Funnily enough the courier also accepted the principle that the paper items in his hand were deeds just as they said on them, he signed to that effect and took em away.

Simples ;) just admit it. Youre wrong :nenau

I arent remotely interested interested in ramblings about council investments. Like a lot of organisations, many of them have screwed up and lost money. Twats and pratts.

I agree with pete about misdirected council activities but then they also do an awful lot of good stuff.

As you will be actively pursuing them to take payment of your council tax from now on and for the period you actually have been in residence in that area your conscience will be clear because you will be making relevant contributions and in addition to accepting their capitulation showing the same decent contrition so no problem :nenau

I find it quite amusing when people vaunt a one way victory against the system on a technicality ith no consideration whatsoever for others or the bigger picture then actually complain (id for number plates) .

Just to put this in context for anyone whos thinking "is he having a go here" how about you think about an acre being bought up next to you. I want to buld a shanty town, have friday 7pm to monday 8am public parties and open a camp site to boot. The locals don want it but I try to press ahead and flaunt the rules because i dont give a shit.................................

Would you be impressed? Id guess police and council would be hearing from you to start with.

Thats why why most people most of the time rely on conventional society and its rules despite any superficial rebellious good life tendancies.
Daved you have missed the point, what I am saying and stand by, is that your paper deeds have no legal status, that is why they invite you to throw them in the bin, if your property is registered with Land Registry then what they hold is all that matters legally, Rick
Daved you have missed the point, what I am saying and stand by, is that your paper deeds have no legal status, that is why they invite you to throw them in the bin, if your property is registered with Land Registry then what they hold is all that matters legally, Rick

I fully understand the electronic registration but they still do paper and they are doing the rounds so youd be able to get a number plate.

You clearly know better than:

  1. our solicitors
  2. our financial advisor
  3. lloyds
  4. nat west
Ill invite them to consult you but as we have rather a lot of stuff with them and Id rather not upset them I'll go with their advice :)
Daved I have to challenge your thinkings a bit in regards the change of use that Rick seems to have achieved.
Agreed I wouldn't want the fields here to be built on or the woods cut etc.
However there's loads of ruins in the area that aren't allowed to be refurbed as dwellings due to some crappy council planning laws :doh
Farmers are either massive multi millions pound turnover businesses or little 40 acre jobs lost in the past. These little farms are being squeezed out of existence due to scale. It's compounded then when they cant get permission to change a scabby barn or cowshed into a house or holiday accom etc.
Stupid council :confused: are poo so there :banghead
on a side note , i remember back in the mid 70s when i used to race motorbikes .... making my own number plate for the trailer out of a piece of cardboard , wrote on with marker pen ...... it was legal then ( i think ) well i didnt get stopped :augie
Paper deeds still take precedence where they exist....they are a legal document and the fact they are later recorded at the LR (often inaccurately as I have found almost to my cost before) doesn't invalidate their content at the time, especially with things like restrictive covenants etc...

I once bought a detached house with TWO detached double garages thanks to the LR...but the developer got one back when they recognised what they'd done. Had it been a paper deed they'd have been bolloxd.

And four years ago they accurately recorded five acres of our gaff in Wales but left off the bit with the house on....:doh ...but of course I had the title deeds so was able to put them straight....
Daved I have to challenge your thinkings a bit in regards the change of use that Rick seems to have achieved.

No sweat and i agree local auths can be stupid.

My main point is pay your way. Life is give and take. I was genuinely laughing when i was accused of only seeing black ad white.

Not doing so puts a greater burden on the rest of and does detract from services. ask my hard grafting mate who was given his notice.

Once a decision is reached, in this example the local auth gave ground its only right that that the opposition demonstrates a reciprocal attitude.

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