I love these kind of posts
The Police State is alive and well and living in the UK (probably too close for comfort)
,with the population of Britain apparently so scared of the Police to go about their lawful business in case of getting into bother. Maybe people should just get on with it and deal with any issues arising if and when. I know one thing for sure,I don't want any hassle from the Police but I don't think asking strangers on an anonymous internet forum is the best place for factual information,especially if you think it may be of concern to the Police.If you really want the correct answer,write to the Police and they will have to reply in writing and then go by their written advice, then if stopped you can show the correspondence to the Policeman/woman who stopped you.Simples.Perhaps if people just went about their business in a normal manner they would find that the Police aren't interested in them. I have travelled to the UK with firearms on a good number of occasions but I never asked a stranger how I should go about it, I just behaved like a normal citizen going about my lawful business and never had a problem, sometimes entering the UK without even having my firearms checked by Police or Customs and on one occasion they came out on the carousel with the ordinary luggage
. I genuinely believe if you have serious concerns,talk to the people who might have an issue with wheels being removed i.e. the Police. If they can't help you,I doubt anyone on here can. Still enjoy these kind of posts and hope I haven't offended anyone, just sometimes I thank God I live here in our quiet little place where the Police don't even go after the bad guys,never mind the law abiding. It is changing,though,and I'm sure we will catch up with you soon