Originally Posted by NSV257
i build scale aeroplanes remote control planes,any thing from ww1 to funly acrobatic planes,some are electric motors some on a 2 stroke glow fuels and i have 2 large scale petrol engined planes,7'' wing span , been doing so for a few years,had a go at heli but couldnt master that,too hard,
god that takes me back - my old man started doing that stuff 50 years ago! Everything from slope soaring to an 8-foot wingspan Bleriot copy...he also designed the very first digital proportional radio control equipment in the UK...the hours of my life I've spent on windswept airfields!!!
and as if that wasn't enough he got into microlights and for the last 40-odd years he's been designing and building autogyros, in fact he's still building them and fighting battles with the CAA over build criteria at 78 years of age!