Originally Posted by george
If any one wants installation instructions then please leave your email and I will forward them to you
I personally ran one for 25k turned up as much as my clutch would take and had no issue... it's a big mod in the vw scene just we use a different pin out on the ecu
Before these where offered to sale it was run past the electricians and instrument techs at my work!!
One box was run on a dyno in Australia at a diesel tuning shop!! These are where my figures are from! The shop where very impressed as they mainly deal with big Cummins ect
At the end of the day it's down to the individual, when I first posted here I was told it couldn't be done... well it can and if you want some more power then knock yourself out..
could you please forward them to me? Email:
joakimlindgaard@outlook.com thanks alot in advance