Originally Posted by jims-terrano
If you want free Solar Panels check out this link http://www.ashadegreener.co.uk/
However this wasn't the scheme that I used. My local council are offering Interest free loans for Clean Energy Sources, it's a charge held against your house and not payable until you sell the house. So I own the panels and I also get the income from the Feed In Tarif.
My system is a 1.5Kw with a Sunny Boy Inverter ( http://www.brightgreenenergy.co.uk/s..._inverters.asp). The cable from the inverter goes through an isolation switch, then a generation meter and then it's wired into a spare slot in the consumer unit (fuse box). The excess energy flows back through the cables and into the street and joins the grid that way. The main meter doesn't turn backwards as people think. We also have two seperate remote meters. One of them is a Bluetooth link to the inverter. This one gives and stores the amount of electric made, can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. We also have a N Power Samrt Meter which is a simple wireless device that tells you how much electric your house is currently using. You can enter your tarif details in to both meters so that you can get some idea of your bill.
The Feed In Tarif we are on is great, we get paid to use our own free electric and paid to sell our excess. The unit charge for what we buy in from the grid is the same as normal price so it's not loaded to cost more. Don't know how they do it and I aint too bothered.
The panels are predicted to pay for themselves in approx 6 to 7 years time.
Hope that answers some questions.
The bit I am interested in is how your inverter is syncronised with the grid ( the sunny boy is not registered as acceptable to back feed into the grid as far as I am aware, very few if any are), the problem is syncronisation, example take two 3 kw alternators and try and parallel them together for 6 kw, one will have its windings reshaped, I fitted £250000.00 worth of panels to a council project roof, in the residents lounge is a big panel showing how many kw hours per day and how much is being fed back in to the grid, but there is no sync system so it is lies, and it will take 30 years to pay for itself let alone make a profit, assuming no repairs needed, but two years after installation two of the 6 inverters went down, I was only involved in order to get 35 mtrs by 7 mtrs of panel flat (on a roof that had a dip of 6 inches in the middle, I used lasers to get all the brackets level, I think there is a lot of misleading information being punted about, and to determin the wheres and whatfors of your system I would need a lot more info, regards Rick