How annoying is this...(Mirror)

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2007
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Tore the NS wing mirror off the car today! 8O

I have managed to bodge a repair, but its going to need a new one... lots on ebay but they are all OS... have sent a few e-mails out to see if anyone has a NS will hev to wait and see.
I have had it apart, It snapped the metal bracket inside, so I have managed to do a repair but it only a matter of time before it falls off. If i cannot get one on eblag I'll let you guys know if i have trouble getting one.

I think the dealers want around £200 8O youch thats a lot.
High Salom here i to broke my n/s mirror from its base with the back of my head. Went to B&Q brought a coach bolt &nut the type for garden gates. Drilled a hole through the middel of bolt for wires, used shrink wrap around wirring, Now will take the head off any cyclist at close quarters(joke).
Hi Chaps,

Still not got one, but my repair is holding fine.

Like the Chrome ones will keep an eye on it.

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