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12-02-2010, 13:06
What is a fart?

http://gfx1.hotmail.com/mail/w4/pr01/ltr/i_safe.gifA fart it is a pleasant thing,It gives the belly ease,It warms the bed in winter,And suffocates the fleas.http://by123w.bay123.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Z2UyMi5naWY_3d%26inline%3d1%26rfc%3d0%26empty%3dFa lse%26imgsrc%3dcid%253a2.3101602556%2540web26702.m ail.ukl.yahoo.com%26msgHash%3dffffffffffffffff&oneredir=1&ip= 05107a92c28b12f645fA fart can be quiet,A fart can be loud,Some leave a powerful,Poisonous cloudhttp://by123w.bay123.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Z2UzMy5naWY_3d%26inline%3d1%26rfc%3d0%26empty%3dFa lse%26imgsrc%3dcid%253a3.3101602556%2540web26702.m ail.ukl.yahoo.com%26msgHash%3dffffffffffffffff&oneredir=1&ip= 05107a92c28b12f645fA fart can be short,Or a fart can be long,Some farts have been knownTo sound like a song....http://by123w.bay123.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Z2U0NC5naWY_3d%26inline%3d1%26rfc%3d0%26empty%3dFa lse%26imgsrc%3dcid%253a4.3101602556%2540web26702.m ail.ukl.yahoo.com%26msgHash%3dffffffffffffffff&oneredir=1&ip= 05107a92c28b12f645fA fart can createA most curious medley,A fart can be harmless,Or silent, and deadly.http://by123w.bay123.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Z2U1NS5naWY_3d%26inline%3d1%26rfc%3d0%26empty%3dFa lse%26imgsrc%3dcid%253a5.3101602556%2540web26702.m ail.ukl.yahoo.com%26msgHash%3dffffffffffffffff&oneredir=1&ip= 05107a92c28b12f645f

A fart might not smell,While others are vile,A fart may pass quickly,
Or linger a while......http://by123w.bay123.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Z2U2Ni5naWY_3d%26inline%3d1%26rfc%3d0%26empty%3dFa lse%26imgsrc%3dcid%253a6.3101602556%2540web26702.m ail.ukl.yahoo.com%26msgHash%3dffffffffffffffff&oneredir=1&ip= 05107a92c28b12f645fA fart can occurIn a number of places,And leave everyone there,With strange looks on their faces.. http://by123w.bay123.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Z2U3Ny5naWY_3d%26inline%3d1%26rfc%3d0%26empty%3dFa lse%26imgsrc%3dcid%253a7.3101602556%2540web26702.m ail.ukl.yahoo.com%26msgHash%3dffffffffffffffff&oneredir=1&ip= 05107a92c28b12f645f From wide-open plains,To small elevators,A fart will find all ofUs sooner or later.http://gfx1.hotmail.com/mail/w4/pr01/ltr/i_safe.gifBut farts are all bad,Is simply not true-We must never forget....Sweet old farts like you!

12-02-2010, 13:14
Hey Zippy 656 ..... Do you think that the baby above looks like a certain "Throbbing" member of "Team Wales" who lives by a river in West Wales ????? :naughty :eek: :augie

12-02-2010, 13:27
um no idea, as i cant see pics at work

12-02-2010, 21:32
Hey Zippy 656 ..... Do you think that the baby above looks like a certain "Throbbing" member of "Team Wales" who lives by a river in West Wales ????? :naughty :eek: :augie

you and your picture posting LOL!

If you just want to post a single pic, click on the paperclip symbol at the top of the box where you write your message - then you can select whatever it is from your hard drive, click on 'upload' and it will be at the bottom of your message.....