View Full Version : Scumbag

02-12-2009, 19:56
People like this should just be put to death, slowly and painfully.

http://news.aol.co.uk/uk-news/teenager-convicted-of-evil-murder/article/2009120208441299714471?icid=main|uk|dl1|link3|http %3A%2F%2Fnews.aol.co.uk%2Fuk-news%2Fteenager-convicted-of-evil-murder%2Farticle%2F2009120208441299714471

02-12-2009, 21:03
unbelievable, it begegrs belief how someone could do such a thing, that poor poor girl, its absolutely horrifc, I hope he rots a long and painful spell in jail and experiences pain like he never imagined at the hands of his inmates, he deserves NO less.

02-12-2009, 23:21
Long drop short rope.

sorry if that offends but if that was my child he murdered he would not have seen the inside of a court let alone the inside of a cell.

capital punishment is the only way.

Us and the family are spending taxes to look after this scumbag


03-12-2009, 00:58
,Paul, with you 100%, the scumbag, if my dog bit someone she would destroyed, just as he should, if it was my daughter I would want this

03-12-2009, 11:46
I hope they put him in with a 30 stone skinhead who likes to be called Cindy!!

03-12-2009, 14:07
I hope they put him in with a 30 stone skinhead who likes to be called Cindy!!

lmfao, he will get his comeuppence in there, i bet you hear in the papers that he has been scared, beaten, cut, once he has been sentanced, and good job. :sly:lol

03-12-2009, 21:37
I hope they put him in with a 30 stone skinhead who likes to be called Cindy!!

Better still, a 30-stone skinhead with a Prince Albert who likes to call HIM Cindy.....:eek: