View Full Version : Events committee
Although I realise that the end decision will be up to the big bosses, as a growing club I thought we could post as to whether it would be good to have a ongoing events committee.
Yeigh or Neigh
These could be involved in organising other events through the year.
Whilst I'm neither for nor against committes it must not be forgot that:
Any member is free to organise and run a club event.
Many members have done in the past and hopefully will in the future.
There are many people behind the scenes who can offer help and encourgement to organisers, although they themselves may not be able to attend.
I think that Mav has enough to do with the up keep and running of the site, without organising events too.
Having met lots of members of this club, i know that many of you are more than able to organise events, with or without help.
How many are you thinking of for the committe, and how will it be chaired and run etc. This has been tried in ther past and was difficult to organise and run due to being internet based.
I have voted No as i don't think a committe will work, however, I do belive that one dedicated person who can delegate some responsibility out can make it work.
I look forward to other views on this.
I think that Mav has enough to do with the up keep and running of the site, without organising events too.
Thanks Cameraman, the above is one of the reasons I thought this would be a good idea to take some of the stress away from him.
As you have been with the club a long while and have much more experience to this your points are very valid, I was thinking that the small committee (2 or 3) would be able to plan out and arrange the mini meets not just the days out, we could probably hold more than one big meet per year.
We could hold hold short weekend events, one day off roading, camp/caravan overnight then have a Barbie or some thing the next day.
If there are any specific charity events this could be dealt with.
At the end of the day every one may disagree with the idea, I just thought it may be an idea to try and help the club grow and with more events get closer together.
I have also learnt recently that the club has a lot of members that do not want to take their vehicles off road so a few more club weekends may be good for them, those of us that love going off road could make more than a day of it.
Just trying to help, looking forward to see what every one thinks, those of us that belong to the club but have very little input, this may be your chance to say what you would like to see from the club.
Tel :smile:
i gave it a yes as few lads are trying to do this already and every little helps !( and i dare say there better halfs doing just as much !)
10-06-2007, 18:18
I am no big fan of 'comittes' ar a principal but the idea of few people taking responsibiity for delegated 'chunks' of a particular event is a good un!
though one comittee for every event may be a bit unmanagable i.e, a comittee from essex organising events in the midlands doesnt seem to make thayt much sense.
so my vote is for events comitees rather than a comitee
10-06-2007, 18:28
i voted yes but i do feel that the word commitee is getting out of hand
definition Though based on american version
A group of Members established in both houses of Congress for the purpose of considering legislation, conducting investigations, and other duties as assigned.
basicaly a group who get together to discuss what is the best way forward
i dont think there should be a commitee to organise all the events just the rally as it is suppose to be the biggest event
the way of indivdual members organizing local events is the best way to go as it means that "commitee"organising the rally can get on with that
10-06-2007, 20:06
I do think there should be a committee and voted this way,
It would take pressure off guys like mav,
everyone who wants to organise something would know where to go for help getting a rally etc off the ground.
The committee could then keep the diary of events and would be able to prevent events clashing, so there were not 2 events on the same day etc.
Perhaps there could be committee member for each region?? maybe south, Midlands, north west, north east, etc saves on member being overrun, also each member knows their own region best.
the meets could be broken down into regions as well and have their own section and page on the website.
Well the membership is rising fairly fast these days...
Just a thought....
I do think there should be a committee and voted this way,
It would take pressure off guys like mav,
everyone who wants to organise something would know where to go for help getting a rally etc off the ground.
The committee could then keep the diary of events and would be able to prevent events clashing, so there were not 2 events on the same day etc.
Perhaps there could be committee member for each region?? maybe south, Midlands, north west, north east, etc saves on member being overrun, also each member knows their own region best.
the meets could be broken down into regions as well and have their own section and page on the website.
Well the membership is rising fairly fast these days...
Just a thought....
But we do keep a diary of events, both admin and myself monitor this, and events can be submitted via the home page or through the forums "forthcoming events" . Quite a simple system and easily managed.
We also had regional reps and it didn't work. To an extent we still have an informal arrangement of regional reps, details can be found under "contact us" on home page.
though one comittee for every event may be a bit unmanagable i.e, a comittee from essex organising events in the midlands doesnt seem to make thayt much sense.
Plank is this a dig at me i.e Essex, or just a example?
When i was a kid i loved camping with my family we were part of a club called eccc and they had committee there was members that run things like sports for the kids and raffle at night etc, etc,
but that was then,
We needed members that would be there to see it all come together,
I m more then happy to go up north too scout for sites,
Send me a pm of where they are and a number and i will give them a call.
11-06-2007, 07:27
I suggest that this club needs more events rather than getting distracted by 1 main event.
Please dont take me wrong but I wonder how many are familiar with organising events previously, perhaps for other clubs and associations. Whilst I haven't I will suggest that over in the Caravan Club there are regional centres typically based on counties. Ours is South Yorkshire and they have a full calender of weekends and even a few holiday rallies. These are organised by an individual family/couple with one or more 'assistant marshalls'. The events have to be booked with the land owner the November before the following season so a Centre Brocheure can be printed and distributed to attract attendees. Most events are within 20 miles of home, in nearby counties, with local attractions and shopping, a few have themes, fishing, sports days, discos etc.
The rallies themselves are often quite simple affairs, being caravanners everyone is expected to have their own loo facilities, and generally be able to survive a weekend on gas n' battery though many do have a genny there are rules on the usage so others can enjoy some peace :wink: self catering is the general rule though a group bbq or supper may be laid on. dry waste is taken home too typically. though the field will have somewhere to empy the grey and black water.
Simple = cheaper = more attend
more events -> better spread of locations = more attend
this club is about friendship, and many strong family tie ups have grown. I would suggest therefore that a couple of members in a locale or already getting on well start mini rallies, these can be simple affairs indeed could be run on commercial sites as a block booking and impromtu social in an awning or two could suffice. these in relative could be claimed to have been more successful and less stressful already ie, blackpool, langdale, spalding.
the midlands are central and easy but could reasonably easy move 50/100 miles in any direction to form more minis. I would suggest that this distance is about the max most will want to do for a regualr weekend factoring in fuel costs and time. with so many members with in an hour or so of brum there should be plenty of possibilites to start ( several smaller ) balls rolling.
members in the our reaches of the country, could start a weekend meet near a holiday period to increase the attendance of those coming further who then could make a week of it as a follow on nearby. or arrange to meet up for a day or evening even if staying elsewhere...
eccc is that ernies camping caravan club lol!
I suggest that this club needs more events rather than getting distracted by 1 main event
I couldnt agree more :smile:
After being involved with many 4x4 clubs a event coordinator is the way to go.
If you want to organise an event, you select the date and details and send it to the coordinator who then adds it the event diary/ calendar
The event calendar is on display for everyone to see.
Anyone can organise an event, and yes you can have as many as you like on one day and in different places.
Even just a jaunt down the road and you want company doesn't have to be major outing.
Here is an example of the club I have been involved with.
You get to decide what you want to do and when.
Lets get a calendar running and on display for everyone to see what coming up in your area.
Lets get a calendar running and on display for everyone to see what coming up in your area.
We do have a events calender :smile:
11-06-2007, 12:04
Lets get a calendar running and on display for everyone to see what coming up in your area.
We do have a events calender :smile:
And it is co-ordinated, by cameraman I think.
thats what the man said in his earlier post!
But the events calender dosnt organise the events only shows when they are on, there is just so much more we can do if we had a few people who could look at possible events, it dosnt mean that people cant organise their own.
11-06-2007, 13:03
From what is being suggested an events committeee wouldn't organise events either, it would just delegate.
IMHO you can have all the ideas you want but unless someone is prepared to stand up and take responsibility for an event they just won't happen. Take my idea of a greenlaning weekend, i proposed it and am doing the leg work (more on it very soon). That is what is needed people to propose an event, guage opinion and then go out there and get on with it. If you need some help ask, provided the job isn't too big that you're trying to delegate I'm sure someone will volunteer.
I have received a PM form someone who shall remain nameless and apparently I can't have an opinion on the National Rally because I didn't come. However I have to say it did seem overly complicated and overly biased toward the carvanners, the price differential between a pitch for an all the bells and whistles caravan with electric hook up etc and a small 2/3 man tent like I'd use, was pityful.
The extra cost and hassle of generators etc, which those in tents wouldn't use did seem to over complicate matters. There are quite a number of people in the club with caravans, but not as a recent post suggested the majority, it's just that they get discussed a lot for some reason.
I'm going to get shot down in flames for this but it's just my opinion.
Lets at least keep other events simple.
i didnt go either but shouldnt stop anyone from oferin help or advice be just same as changing wheel if youve never done it should you never try it! if u do go to a rally and would like electric i have several gernerator to normal house plugs so u could run your tv or anything else u want just let me know cost couple quid to post anywhere in uk id have thought!
11-06-2007, 15:01
Just adding that many people in tents do use electric hook ups these days! not just the caravans, and i agree a generator is a pain. It's ok if you organise a good qy=uantity of red diesel and keep it going but wehn it is switched on and off up to 3 times in 5 mins it doesn't do you telly and favours :lol:
11-06-2007, 17:14
Just adding that many people in tents do use electric hook ups these days! not just the caravans, and i agree a generator is a pain. It's ok if you organise a good qy=uantity of red diesel and keep it going but wehn it is switched on and off up to 3 times in 5 mins it doesn't do you telly and favours :lol:
Thats what I call getting away from it all, real back to basics stuff. -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- :lol:
When I first thought about the greenlaning weekend my initial thought was to use two separate camp sites and carry all the gear in and on our trucks, but I soon realised that there might not be too many takers for that, another time perhaps.
Lets get a calendar running and on display for everyone to see what coming up in your area.
We do have a events calender :smile:
And it is co-ordinated, by cameraman I think.
Correct on both counts, but I can only add events when people organise them :wink:
11-06-2007, 17:25
Just adding that many people in tents do use electric hook ups these days! not just the caravans, and i agree a generator is a pain. It's ok if you organise a good qy=uantity of red diesel and keep it going but wehn it is switched on and off up to 3 times in 5 mins it doesn't do you telly and favours :lol:
Thats what I call getting away from it all, real back to basics stuff. -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- :lol:
what this soime kind or perverse inverted snobery? you are only camping if you sleepp under a hedge and toilet in the bushes?
Back to basics, geting away from it all, never short of a cliche!
When I first thought about the greenlaning weekend my initial thought was to use two separate camp sites and carry all the gear in and on our trucks, but I soon realised that there might not be too many takers for that, another time perhaps.
I had thought of trying that, but honestly thought the up take would be nil. Not for any snobbery or anything, simply because I thought that 2 days lanning maybe too much for most families.
Maybe we could re discuuss this another time or in a seperate thread, maybe there would be more interest than I originally thought. :o
11-06-2007, 17:41
Cameraman my snobbery comment was not aimed at you or green laning, there are time when carrying a small tent and camping in a minimalist stlye is great and othere when ou have all the kids etc and are there to be as comfortable as possible. I simply pointed out to Hummingbird that he was wrong to assume tents dont use powere and end up in line for yet more critiscism. I must admit all this back biting is starting to get on my nerves as well now it is in every thread that is started! and none of them ever seem to reach and conclusions just get locked or deleted!
If I P.M points rather than post they dont get replied too so just stuck from all angles i htink i will pack in posting for a while and leave it until it calms down. bye for now!
Sorry Plank, never did I think you were getting at anyone, it was just a harmless comment, mine too. Normally wherever I go, I go in the caravan and always have electric.
Me thinks that all are now a little sensitive at the mo, and I hope things calm down and get back to normal soon. :roll:
11-06-2007, 18:16
Just adding that many people in tents do use electric hook ups these days! not just the caravans, and i agree a generator is a pain. It's ok if you organise a good qy=uantity of red diesel and keep it going but wehn it is switched on and off up to 3 times in 5 mins it doesn't do you telly and favours :lol:
Thats what I call getting away from it all, real back to basics stuff. -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl- :lol:
what this soime kind or perverse inverted snobery? you are only camping if you sleepp under a hedge and toilet in the bushes?
Back to basics, geting away from it all, never short of a cliche!
I was simply trying to say can people not manage without some of these things for just a weekend, perhaps my comment were a little blunt and for that I am sorry. It just seems that at times this club could almost be the caravanners who also own Nissan 4x4s club if you look at some of the posts and that their needs out rank those of others. I am equally sure their are members who would not be seen dead in a tent or a caravan and perhaps that needs addressing too - a national day rather than a weekend perhaps.
11-06-2007, 18:22
I think some people are a little off topic on ere...
Any way are we going to argue about it or are we going to sort something out with the events committee, It cant be a bad thing, it could also expand the club somewhat, think of the advertising local meets would create!!!
I really don’t think it matters what the group is called, if people don’t like committee then they could just be called club organisers, at the end of the day it could be used to great advantage even advertising for non members to come to events, pay a fee on the first one and if they like the club they could use the fee to pay for club membership, if not it could go towards other club events.
All ideas welcome positive or negative, just so long as we don’t argue over it.
All ideas welcome positive or negative, just so long as we don’t argue over it.
Its nice that this thread has been an adult discussion over things whithout silly comments.
Thank you to all who have posted so far, lets keep it sensible.
Thanks camerman.
I have been very curious since joining the club, I see a regular group of people posting in the club but the group is very small in relation to how many people belong to the club.
I realise that not all that join do so for the right reasons and just dont bother coming back however this can not be over 200 - 300 people, where are you all, why are you not posting on some thing that is realevent to you as it is your club.
what are you getting out of your club if you are not being involved in it, if you are reading this and you are a member why just read it, why not reply and have your say? if you are not a member, join up and help us and have some fun.
I have belonged to a couple of forums but have never seen so little input from its vast majority of members, those that have replied, thank you, those that havent, say high and make your thoughts known. :smile: :wink:
youre right Tel all these members and we got 25 outfits at the national rally and there is only about a dozen CORE members that join in the things at this club so i dont know what we do wrong
12-06-2007, 22:46
that so right Tubbs unfortunately, maybe us established members need to do more at local level. Again the rest of us could take a leaf out of your book or indeed Mav's arranging an event based around your home which is extremely generous.
It might be a (inter)national club but the regions need to do more to bring members together, as fuel costs ever rise not all want to go so far.
another thought, and subject to individuals privacy of course is to post when and where heading on holiday on basis could meet up casually with other members for a natter.
guess bit like when you, dave and steve were at filey, we were at scarborough and met up, on same trip thanks to club stickers met another member (jack vilna) at a car boot.. and so on..
finally i dont think it matters what we do or how we do it as long as we get out there and welcome new members on board. day trips or weekends, camping or 'vanning, basic or all amenities, even b&b what ever you and your family need. green laning or picnic on a green its about clubbing together for fun.
12-06-2007, 23:04
It's the same in almost all clubs. People join for different reasons. In th eclassic car scene people join cos being a member of a club can save you on your insurance, other people join purely for technical help or whatever. I used to hep run a monthly regional meet for an international car club and could spend hours on the phone calling members before the meeting to see if I could get a few more along. It was a thankless task with barely any results.
On that subject how about regional social get togethers, a drink and a chat anyone tried that, from one of those perhaps more regionally based activities could be organised.
I am glad to see the whole club (all 19 of us) have responded to this :roll: :lol:
Any way, after seeing the reponse I now have to ask the question, is it worth while putting a committee together as it seems there are not enough members to organise anything for :?:
Shame :(
down feel down hearted mate ! how does that compare to some other clubs ? some cold be honoured at 19 u never know!
14-06-2007, 12:37
I am glad to see the whole club (all 19 of us) have responded to this :roll: :lol:
Any way, after seeing the reponse I now have to ask the question, is it worth while putting a committee together as it seems there are not enough members to organise anything for :?:
Shame :(
if you look at all these types of polls the response is always the same a low turn out on votes. and it is always the same groups normally who vote or have anything to say
question is how many of the 12 would help in organising the big rally?
how many helped u last time? three or four main people werent it an few those now left?
14-06-2007, 22:33
sorry like said before we had a committee, it was formed from area reps and moderators, sadly it was unmanageable and dissolved.
also as said anyone can, and with help available, organise an event. its a year or more til next big 'un but no reason why we cant have more mini meets which could be as casual and imprompto as necessary.
why not give one ago, or tie up with another member to create a themed meet be it a day, weekend or whatever takes your fancy.
Sadly cant do a lot for a few weeks as I still have a bust wrist and wont know until 21st if it is OK, will have a serious think after that if there is anything we can organsie.
15-06-2007, 07:27
how many helped u last time? three or four main people werent it an few those now left?
dave mud , fingers tubbs and muzz were the main organisers with small bits of help from others
and They worked ruddy hard doing it so we could all enjoy it, once again we say thank you :smile:
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