View Full Version : only me. extreme

06-08-2009, 00:00
im just trying the site out from a new member perspective......
please don't all rush off to log out and re register , it will cause havoc and ill get a right telling off

i got to say its very confusing, its not obvious what threads you have access to, could we change the Nissan bits on the side from red to green to show you can access these bits.

i don't think there is enough for new people to do either.
cant we do more access for a limited time .

been chatting to some Euro clubs and trying to get them to come over, but if its confusing for me , it will be impossible for people using translator even for the ones who speak English its really not obvious

any thoughts or ideas helpfull though

06-08-2009, 00:04
oh look its me ..... best not tell zippy.

he'll do it and start talking to himself

06-08-2009, 05:53
oh look its me ..... best not tell zippy.

he'll do it and start talking to himself

do i look that daft then!

06-08-2009, 05:54
best not answer that

06-08-2009, 06:24
Why they get more than access now than before ,they paid to get into the site.