View Full Version : Members & Motors
In a previous forum that I belonged to they had pictures of their members, I was just wondering how the club members would feel about taking a picture of themselves next to their vehicles and have them on the members view area :?: :?:
Also if the club would be OK due to server space?
ive tried to add a picture to be my avtar dunno how to resize it small enough! mine would win the "rat" car award it was white once honest!
ive tried to add a picture to be my avtar dunno how to resize it small enough! mine would win the "rat" car award it was white once honest!
If you can send me the Pic I can resize it for you.
21-03-2007, 10:17
i have one for it already waiting to go into the gallery
Sounds like a good idea, you upload one under Member vehicles
Will get some good ones at the national rally this year
Sounds like a good idea, you upload one under Member vehicles
Will get some good ones at the national rally this year
I will try and get one this weekend. :smile:
cheers eclipse dont laugh at the state of the poor ol gal it gets seriously abused but she never wants for anything an gets the best oil to drink lol!
cheers eclipse dont laugh at the state of the poor ol gal it gets seriously abused but she never wants for anything an gets the best oil to drink lol!
You havent seen mine yet LoL :lol: :lol:
the ol boy i bought her of in blackpool would be in tears he used to polish an hoover it out allsorts!
Mine was my wifes pride and joy for 3 years and she would never let me get it dirty, I got her new one dirty the other day and it went straight down the car wash. :roll: -banghead- :lol:
it looks nice in the photo in your avtar mine will be back soon an ill send you some pics ! autos suposed to be better off road no loss of forward motion on gear changes or summat like that
been cheeky an sent about 5 just popped down bank got some money out for mate whos of to usa ive gota collect rent of one of his flats
No problem, I will take a look when I get home, should be able to sort it tonight for you. :smile:
tar very much i lost the one side step offroad an killed the 48hr old bull bars after getting stuck off road lol!
21-03-2007, 19:09
Jace, i downloaded an avtar sizer programe of the net, i will look up the address for you!
cheers mate i never even thought of that not sure what avtar means even lol!
21-03-2007, 20:50
i think i still have the whole programe downloaded on my pc but i am on my lapotop now remind me tomorrow and i will email it to you!
21-03-2007, 20:57
I would join in but with no nissan 4x4 you would just have a pic of a fat bloke walking :lol: :lol:
stand next to nice new shiny one pretend!(try to keep salesman outve frame lol)
Jace they are all done and sent back to you, you should have them soon.
21-03-2007, 21:06
if i stand that close i may get taxed for it though :lol: -killingme-
that woul be upsetting lol thanks eclipse!
i picked the cleanest looking one!
22-03-2007, 15:10
Jace try this link for free avatar sizer:
cheers plank ive no need to pester poor old eclipse anymore!
22-03-2007, 15:24
let me know if it works ok I have tried it and it seems fine to me!
eclipse did em all ill have to find one to exsperiment on!
eclipse did em all ill have to find one to exsperiment on!
Jace, you can just use the one you sent to me before I adjusted it. :smile:
im gonna get one of the mrs then shrink it down to a more pleasant sight!
22-03-2007, 23:05
I hope no one tells her what you have been saying when you come to the rally :lol:
im just glad its clicked over onto new page! dont be silly she wouldnt get in the thing "to dirty to smelly and whos gonna have the kids"
22-03-2007, 23:11
i will ignore the first half, but to the seconf half bring them with you the kids had a great time last year!!
my kids will run around like maniacs my lad had the lr guy at drive in tears he had all keys worked out for there show fleet all back in correct ignitions poor guy was sobbing hed spent ages mixing them all up so he could relax a little now he had the potential of about six td5 show cars just being driven away he gave me several nice keyrings to take him away lol
at glee in birmigham stihl gave him hats t-shirts to leave them alone an stop trying to start chainsaws etc!
22-03-2007, 23:31
perhaps you could get a few club goodies from Mav and Shark1e to stop him knocking the marquee down :lol:
he has adhd and mild autism from the lady who had to write him up for school suitability after being exspelled from middle school then secondry always been a practical kid has frightend me to death from around 5yrs old with his talents of finding shed keys starting hedgecutters and transit vans whilkst im distracted! they wanted to prescribe ritilin but after seing a mates lad zombied on stuff and being anti any drug i declined and put up with his behavoir! i put it down to lack of disciplin i would never of dared do/say answer back the way he does id have had my head knocked of me shoulders i think this has made me to lenient on the little horrors!
22-03-2007, 23:43
Jace, a laid back attitude is probably the best route, there isn't a lot to be gained in battleing uphill every day!
I am sure i had adhd or simmilar as a kid but it wasn't diagosed then, i was just considerd naughty :lol: but a bit more empathy from my old man would have gone a long way! :wink:
i still have the old attitudes though i havent the heart to clamp down on little blighters ive dogs placed with social workers in area they are so inept at running there own lives i cant believe they propose to help others there to good hearted by far i could see the sharper of there clients taking them for a ride quite easily which is a no angel myself quite a few dodgy deals passed my way if u get my drift an it is very right kids pick up on things very quickly not good but modern life is so quick they have to be i gues they have everything they could ever want pcs internet gmes consules tv video dvd i think we spoil them to much as we had nothing as kids but theres more money around than our parents had!
23-03-2007, 00:01
I dont think there is anyhting worng in spoiling them a bit. we never had much as kids, the old 'I can't afrod it and even if i could i don't believe in spoiling kids' attitude, and going without never did us any good!
I remember some kids seemed to have evey thing, good clothes, good bikes, nice parties, etc. and they allways seemed to turn out ok to me!
most people i grew up with are either junkies or in jail or both my mate was earning £1200 day selling smack i was so tempted but i warned him itd bite him he was adamant 12mths and ill have enough no i said once youve had that kinda cash so easy you wont be able hes doin 41/2 yrs now of us all theres only me another lad who moved down south who are not into drugs hes tied down with a mortage etc and around 5yrs younger than me if hed of stayed up here hed be a junkie by know he luved his smoke i could never see point init watched all others go smoke to smoking smack to injecting the stuff i could never understand how they could inject what looked like cold tes into there arm knowing it had potential to kill them then crack was smoked to get so high more smack to fetch em down they would sell anything and everything to buy more crack it must be some potent stuff!
23-03-2007, 10:02
i dont know if any mods have been watching but this is gone totally of topic?
23-03-2007, 10:33
your right robobone, i am still in pub chat mode :lol:
best tidy it up a bit :roll:
just on, yes it is way off topic, get it back on topic or i will start deleting and locking
-offtopic- MOD WARNING
23-03-2007, 11:00
goodness gracuious wolf do youhave a stick and a pair of big boots, a bit heavy handed this morning aren't we? I agree though a bit of tidying of the thread wouldnt go amiss, I think it is a teething issue with pub chat in that we are getting used to a more random natutraly ecolving style of conversation in threads and got carried away.
He might not have big boots and a big stick but i have and can give a spell in the glass house if my mods are attacked :wink: :lol:
I think it is a teething issue with pub chat in that we are getting used to a more random natutraly ecolving style of conversation in threads and got carried away.
True except this is not the pub chat area its 4x4 general if it was pub chat it would not be an issue.
blimey not me threatend with a trip to caterick garrison makes a change !
anyways i think photos would be good itd help at meets etc as people would have a rough idea what each other look like no airbrushing the years away and slimming yourself down!
oops id asumed it was in pub chat aswell !
get it back on topic or i will start deleting and locking
please dont lock it, I thought it was a good topic, we must have more than 14 members, come on I for one would like to see pics of the members with there motors, it help the newbees put a face to a name when they first meet + it wouldnt be compulsory. :smile: :smile:
yea i deffo will put mine up as soon as i get my motor back and get a pic
yea i deffo will put mine up as soon as i get my motor back and get a pic
Look forward to seeing it, I am going down to the new forrest tomorrow so hopefuly will get some then. :smile:
remember no airbrushing allowed lol!
23-03-2007, 15:33
sorry, i am still getting used to this new format, and the new rules, but i hardly think wolf is under attack, i'm not disagreeing wth him or you! just voicing an opinion.
by the way (yesterdays conversation) I have called on your behalf, and the man i deal with is away until tuesday, I will Pm you later.
get it back on topic or i will start deleting and locking
please dont lock it, I thought it was a good topic, we must have more than 14 members, come on I for one would like to see pics of the members with there motors, it help the newbees put a face to a name when they first meet + it wouldnt be compulsory. :smile: :smile:
Go to the gallery then, plenty of pics of members and motors, after all thats what its for :roll:
get it back on topic or i will start deleting and locking
please dont lock it, I thought it was a good topic, we must have more than 14 members, come on I for one would like to see pics of the members with there motors, it help the newbees put a face to a name when they first meet + it wouldnt be compulsory. :smile: :smile:
Go to the gallery then, plenty of pics of members and motors, after all thats what its for :roll:
I was thinking more of a section saying some thing like "Members and their Motors" and a indervidual Pic of their choice with them stood at the vehicle and a name or some thing attached to identify them :| I have looked through all the pics but would be able to identify who is who from them :( oh well hopefuly soon I can meet up with a few :smile:
23-03-2007, 21:02
I see what you are saying, perhaps even names under the gallery pics would help, if it is any use i am rowing the boat accross the banner on the home page :wink:
I see what you are saying, perhaps even names under the gallery pics would help, if it is any use i am rowing the boat accross the banner on the home page :wink:
Lololol :lol: :lol: I will have no problem recognising you from here on :wink:
it will be like fbi most wanted !
24-03-2007, 00:07
yep ill be the one with the oars :lol:
you may have last laugh when all ice caps melt!
24-03-2007, 00:16
yep me and me oars with no boat :lol:
well at least you wont be up creek without paddle! youll just have to hope someone else has a boat with no oars then you can have a deal! halfords do dhingys then you can send your photo in sos to comply with rules!
get the editing sweet out and superimpose yourself on the existing avtar lol
24-03-2007, 01:09
are we going off thread again :?
we must be the worst at trying to stay on subject lol! hence why i thought of superimposing yourself onto older picture at least then were on subject and not causing ripples!
Just got back from the new forest, found myself a nice muddy lane to go down, took a few pics, now on the gallery under R3M (or at least they will be once they clear admin) :smile: :smile: :smile:
did u get stuck lol if not you werent trying hard enough did you get gbh lugholes for getting it dirty or has she abanded the poor ol thing !
did u get stuck lol if not you werent trying hard enough did you get gbh lugholes for getting it dirty or has she abanded the poor ol thing !
She was with me, even had the mother in law, pulled in to a car park, found a nice mound of dirt and decided to go over it, frightened the life out of the mother in law -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme-
reckomn shell get the bug an the rangey will be trying to follow u! just a thought my r3m the lights were like candles even with big bulbs and full beam are yours ok?
reckomn shell get the bug an the rangey will be trying to follow u! just a thought my r3m the lights were like candles even with big bulbs and full beam are yours ok?
With out going off topic, I was just saying that to the wife, I think I will get some brighter ones + going to fit some new spots.
24-03-2007, 21:39
we all went out cycling today, nice to get the whole family together I amy use a pic of that as a new avtar in the absense of a nissan 4x4 !
so long as you were on all terrain bikes lol plank well be getting off topic and into trouble if were not carefull!!!!
judging by photos you had big grin factor of the scale!
so long as you were on all terrain bikes lol plank well be getting off topic and into trouble if were not carefull!!!!
I think we ought to open a new chat area in the pub for you and call it the snug, then you can wander off topic at will :roll: :lol:
24-03-2007, 21:49
they were indeed all terrain but only 1 wheel drive :lol:
maybe the whole site needs calling the snug just for me and jace :wink:
sorry we do seem to find it hard to stay on topic and to easy to wander off on a tangent!
24-03-2007, 22:00
we need a tangent monitor (i mean moderator) to gather all aour muisngs innot one thread :lol:
trouble is we nned to start somewhere and the topics are idea generating!
if we had a blank page we wouldn't know where to start :lol:
anyway stop it now Jace before we get in toruble :lol:
ME! wed soon fill the server with unrelated stuff eh! hope eclipses picies are up soon my r3m werent to bad offroad i did give it some right grief aswell went hell for leather over dirt mound and bulldozed top offit with sump guard made it easier to get over the next time though!
Off topic myself here:
We used to have a chat area called at one time the Pub, but it was rarely used, it was also called the chat room, again rarely used. It was also a way that could allow hackers into the site i believe. One of the other mods called Nikon used to sit in the chat room for ages and monitor it, it was a good way of speaking and meeting members on line, also quickly exchanging ideas and advice. But as i said rarely used? Maybe if enough members wanted this again and were preparded to use and moderate it, software allowing of course, it could be re looked at by admin for a later date?
24-03-2007, 23:34
i have just started a new thread as an experimnet to see how a free ranging conversation will shape up!
Not sure but is there a time span before the system uploads the pics or have I done it wrong as I cant see them??
me neither mines still in queue from other day when you resized them for me!
25-03-2007, 15:06
You have to wait for admin to aprove them, if he's not been on since you uploaded them that would be why.
yeagh i just asumed he was busy an get round to it when gets a mo
You have to wait for admin to aprove them, if he's not been on since you uploaded them that would be why.
Ooooh ok. :smile:
think some nice person hacked te site through uploading pictures so tighter controls were brought in or sommat technical like that!
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