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16-12-2019, 08:41
hi folks , remember me ? :augie ? . I haven't been around much , so I thought id best explain why ,

apart from my known health issues ive just been diagnosed with a large abdominal aortic aneurism ( 5.3 cm ) and informed I have a 1 in 5 chance of it rupturing :eek: , if it does rupture im dead more or less instantly , surgery is a option of course but the nurse said the surgeon may refuse to operate because of my heart issues ,

hope this makes things a bit clearer .

may you all have a merry Christmas and a happy , healthy and prosperous new year ,

your friend pete ( briggie )

16-12-2019, 10:42
Hell Pete. Straight to the point that is. Hope you get it sorted and enjoy Christmas too.

16-12-2019, 14:07
Hi Pete,

Sorry to hear about your health issues - I did wonder where you were as few posts from you of late.
Best of luck if they offer you surgery then if they do you have to decide on the risk balance I guess.

Have as good a Christmas as you can mate.

Cheers Ted

16-12-2019, 18:31
That is not good Pete, but I guess doing nothing is as risky as having an op, tough one that, wish you well anyway mate, Rick

16-12-2019, 22:50
Bloodyhell Peter, that’s not great at all. I guess you have to take it easy and look after yourself now. Best of luck and enjoy a family Christmas mate.