View Full Version : New Maverick owner

16-06-2018, 20:56
Hello gents,
Recently bought a 1997 2.7 Ford Maverick GLS LWB. Feels strong but may need some work on suspension, steering, and other little things. Glad to be apart of this club, want to get the old girl ready for the next two years of adventure! I’m currently living in Spain but I am originally from the USA. If you can help a fellow off roader out, can you suggest websites for parts and such that ship to Spain? It’s much appreciated!

16-06-2018, 21:31
Welcome mate there are plenty on here to help out, some are in Spain, Rick

17-06-2018, 01:16
Hiya mate, search AFN, I think they are Portuguese. You should be able to find some clubs in Spain, I think the Terrano's are popular over there :thumb2

17-06-2018, 06:32
Welcome aboard

don simon
17-06-2018, 08:58
For spares, I'd be looking at local desguaces, https://www.recambioseuropiezas.com/recambios/ford/maverick.
I've just found this too: http://empresite.eleconomista.es/Actividad/RECAMBIOS-4X4/
For new bits, there will be plenty of places:
Google for more (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&biw=1153&bih=654&ei=yxEmW5_PM-qRgAae3rgo&q=recambios+4x4+espa%C3%B1a&oq=4x4+espana+reca&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30k1.27220.29653.0.32698. 8.424.5.5.0....0...1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.5.422...0i22i10i30k1.0.OC16sjT3mYw)
If you do Facebook, have a look for Foro-Overland www.foro-overland.es/foro
It has been said that UK prices can be cheaper than Spain, so there's the usual suspects of https://www.milneroffroad.com/ (they're a bit Marmite here though).
There are far more Mavs and Terranos in Spain, parts and upgrades should be easy to source from there.