View Full Version : In the tintent club

12-03-2017, 22:13
Today we joined the tintent club, it's a 5 birth with full awning and comes with new cushion covers and curtains, just been resealed too so no damp or water ingress for the foreseeable future, we have got it with the intention of first touring the uk with it as a sort of practice run before we go on a tour of europe (providing we can get insurance for little one with the liver disease)

anyway pics so it's true

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17264273_10155020107182649_5308930071301950922_n.j pg?oh=77f33c53615779029cd0a3a3809b80b9&oe=5924D391

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17159059_10155020107147649_8166830611152085035_o.j pg?oh=d830253302dbef2d323d3d25f463619e&oe=5929D22C

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17264199_10155020107597649_7307678892080011879_n.j pg?oh=08b6695eae00f7b6ef989743d9b578fe&oe=5970611F

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17264101_10155020107567649_1786751724087555425_n.j pg?oh=0fa8b59babd2507afc92d4a68bdaadca&oe=596F3A7C

13-03-2017, 21:36
you should have some fun in that, we like ours, next outing is the Enfield Pageant of Motoring, Rick

14-03-2017, 00:00
That's awesome mate :thumb2 Not sure if you've seen my thread recently, I too have come into the possession of a free Abi Monza 1985 4 berth :naughty


What plans you got for it dude? Looks like it just needs a clean up to me, I've gone for a total renovation :doh

14-03-2017, 01:13
That's awesome mate :thumb2 Not sure if you've seen my thread recently, I too have come into the possession of a free Abi Monza 1985 4 berth :naughty


What plans you got for it dude? Looks like it just needs a clean up to me, I've gone for a total renovation :doh

Yes have seen the thread :thumbs

It needs a bit of work doing, some bits of wood need replacing as it had a leak before the old owners got it, they got it as a project but due to ill health cant finish it, they had it all resealed and were in the process of doing the inside, they have had new cushion covers and curtains made that are also included just not up yet, its got hot and cold water too which is a bonus, the plan is to tour the uk in summer 2018 when the kids are off school for the holidays for 6 weeks starting at lands end and going to john o'groats then back to sw wales where we live, this will be a sort of practice run for our big adventure of touring europe :cool:

14-03-2017, 01:27
Any idea what year it is?, looks to have similar parts to mine which I consider to be a modern caravan, think mine is 2003 :thumb2

14-03-2017, 07:27
For caravan ages look one the window, the cris number the 10th digit give the year,

If it's a letter, then "A" is 2010. B 2011 ect...

14-03-2017, 10:59
I think it's a 1991 will have a look when I get chance

14-03-2017, 11:06
numbers on the window are


26-03-2017, 19:35
started on the repairs, first thing was the bunk that makes it a 5 birth, the battens that hold the bunk were missing so we got some reclaimed wood and cut it to size and made new ones

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17505272_10155060700282649_5574759414470245308_o.j pg?oh=e04693cf3aeac4aab0e2035702a46115&oe=595794DF

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17504379_10155060699712649_843011749790488784_o.jp g?oh=be464f5179c7dc3cb66b1fc987f75fe3&oe=596ADD42

Now the bunk can be used :thumb2

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17492288_10155060699287649_2428216886012028334_o.j pg?oh=576baccdee3c06aeecbd271ca390d648&oe=594F194D

Next job now it wasn't raining was to repair the hood for where the gas bottles are kept as it had been cracked and had seen better days, oh and theres no way i'm paying £100 for a replacement :lol

some fibre glass compound and resealing later and it's probably stronger than it has ever been

https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17492549_10155060702047649_1298902197846326926_o.j pg?oh=7d267e6d437f2e748296143ac1e744cf&oe=596E2676

now just needs a sand down and a paint along with the rest of the van :thumbs

26-03-2017, 20:49
How you going about painting it?

26-03-2017, 20:51
What I have noticed is gas bottle not in locker, one of the biggest no no there is

26-03-2017, 21:25
What I have noticed is gas bottle not in locker, one of the biggest no no there is

was just moved while the locker door was fixed, it's back in there now

26-03-2017, 21:26
How you going about painting it?

Going to use rustoleum to paint it

26-03-2017, 21:29
was just moved while the locker door was fixed, it's back in there now
Good to hear!!

30-03-2017, 16:19
I've put some new tyres on it today, the ones that were on it were made in 1989 :eek:

https://scontent.fbhx1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17621727_10155076519747649_5865013530039915058_o.j pg?oh=ed6055aba2d7a72732f3ab721d2aa5b4&oe=5996F03A

https://scontent.fbhx1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17505142_10155076519802649_918347064389077086_o.jp g?oh=4e0713fbc2652b63c125ba1ee24c3bf3&oe=59682EAD

30-03-2017, 16:45
Bloody 'ell thats a big crack, don't show it to zippy656 :D

I sometimes move my caravan a bit even though it is in storage, just so a different part of the tyres are making contact with the floor, its supposed to help the tyres :thumb2

30-03-2017, 16:48
Ouch.... bet you are glad you have not towed it very far yet...

Just a side note, about the hub caps. I am not sure if caravan wheels are all alike, but when I fitted hub caps to our old van, it would wait a random amount of time, and then Frisbee them at some poor unsuspecting person... The first one, I thought was fluke as it over took me on the M40 smashing into the central barrier, the second was very scary as it took the magnetic blue light off of a fire chiefs car that was heading in the other direction on a back road!!! I tentatively fitted the third, but used cable ties just in case, and sure enough it came off, but at least stayed attached to the wheel. When I looked closely, the edge that the hub caps clips into is not flat, and has a slight slope that naturally pushes the clips out as time goes by...

Not sure how true this is, but when I asked at the caravan place about it, they told me that the earlier vans were designed like that on purpose as hub caps caused the brakes to over heat, so they did not want people fitting them, I still think a warning would have been nice, and safer..

30-03-2017, 16:53
Bloody 'ell thats a big crack, don't show it to zippy656 :D

I sometimes move my caravan a bit even though it is in storage, just so a different part of the tyres are making contact with the floor, its supposed to help the tyres :thumb2

The neighbours take the mickey out of me, when I take the caravan for a walk.... I use the motor mover to put it out on the road, clean the drive way under it, and then put it back, or move it way from the fence to clean it, or work on it, which as you say just turns the wheels, and with the backwards and forward shuffling I have to do, is very unlikely to put the tyres back in the same spot.

Poor guy over the road is not at all mechanically minded, and the look on his face when I stood in the road behind the caravan, and said, "Come on Walkies" and the caravan started to come to me... He had no idea they did things like motor movers..:lol

30-03-2017, 17:47
still a fair few repairs to do on it yet, need to take the windows off and the awning runner so i can reseal and waterproof it all

30-03-2017, 23:03
still a fair few repairs to do on it yet, need to take the windows off and the awning runner so i can reseal and waterproof it all

I reckon the awning runner could end up being a bugger of a job to take off, without breaking it anyway, good luck fella :)

30-03-2017, 23:22
I reckon the awning runner could end up being a bugger of a job to take off, without breaking it anyway, good luck fella :)

Agreed it will deform like f**k, due to the grab of the body sealant they use, if you have access to a "hot knife" it will make it doable, I used a long blade but bar-steward of a job and as not ever going to get into awnings anyway a bit of deformation was no an issue, Rick

31-03-2017, 06:43
still a fair few repairs to do on it yet, need to take the windows off and the awning runner so i can reseal and waterproof it all

One thing, Don't reuse old rails or window rubbers, new every time.

You also need new tape seal and sealer,

Lots of cleaner too

Takes about 4 hours for me to fit a new awning rail,