View Full Version : End of an era

06-09-2015, 13:24
It looks likely that I will not be renewing my membership after the current year expires. I have been advised by my doctor that I am no longer allowed to drive following a ct scan which has revealed that I have cancer in various places across my body, including my brain, plus my daughter and her family have now returned from Spain to start a new life here in the UK, and as my Terrano remains in Spain it is unlikely to be used again. I will continue to contribute any pearls of wisdom that I feel would be beneficial to members, plus any bad jokes that I feel are worthy of sharing (well, can't let Briggie have all the limelight can I!) :D

don simon
06-09-2015, 13:40
Cuanto lo siento.
Good luck with fighting and beating the cancer.
Keep on popping in.

06-09-2015, 14:59
Cuanto lo siento.
Good luck with fighting and beating the cancer.
Keep on popping in.
Gracias senor.

06-09-2015, 15:42
Not news we wanted to hear, but do not give up, good friend of mine younger than me, over the last 10 years has had a triple bypass, just getting over that and diagnosed with lung cancer, has had loads treatment but has kept on working light duties throughout, he told me today the treatment has killed most but not all so he has to have another lot, his answer! I am off to Cyprus for 2 weeks holiday before the new treatment starts, he is a fighter, Rick

06-09-2015, 17:23
Sorry to hear that but stay around, love to hear your comments to posts.

All the best and keep on fighting.

06-09-2015, 17:23
So sorry to hear your new:eek: fight the cancer all the way & don't give in to it:thumb2

06-09-2015, 18:33
That's sad news. Sorry to hear that

Many people live with it for many years and still lead a quality lifestyle.
So chin up mate

06-09-2015, 19:07
Sorry to hear the sad news about your health issues.

06-09-2015, 19:57
I don't have a terrano any more , but im still here :naughty , keep fighting and don't think negatively ....... look for positives every day ... its what I do :thumb2

06-09-2015, 23:05
So sorry to hear your news, but keep fighting, be strong.......:thumb2

07-09-2015, 07:06
That is terrible news, sorry to hear, keep your head up and keep fighting though and most importantly enjoy yourself!

07-09-2015, 15:48
Not good news, but you must keep positive and take every day as it comes. There are new ways to fight this SH1T of a disease being found all the time, so keep strong. It sounds like you have a good family around you which helps.
Between you and Briggie, we should have ample amusement on here with jokes and the like, so stay round please.
All the best, John :thumb2

07-09-2015, 16:00
Indeed sad news.It is the devils disease. Lost both my inlaws to it.And was recently told my mate has lung cancer,and a brain tumor.Like firebobby says,there are more treatments becoming available all of the time.
So try to stay strong,and positive.Best wishes Brian.

07-09-2015, 19:22
sorry to read this bad news, but keep fighting, though i know its not easy. I hope you get well, i hope you fight that damned cancer and kick ass.

All the best to you, and your family.

07-09-2015, 19:35
It looks likely that I will not be renewing my membership after the current year expires. I have been advised by my doctor that I am no longer allowed to drive following a ct scan which has revealed that I have cancer in various places across my body, including my brain, plus my daughter and her family have now returned from Spain to start a new life here in the UK, and as my Terrano remains in Spain it is unlikely to be used again. I will continue to contribute any pearls of wisdom that I feel would be beneficial to members, plus any bad jokes that I feel are worthy of sharing (well, can't let Briggie have all the limelight can I!) :D
Spoke to my oncologist nurse today, it's terminal - too far progressed to be able to do anything. Any treatment now will be palliative, simply to make me as comfortable as possible.

The Patrolman
07-09-2015, 19:56
Tough times..our thoughts are with you and your family.

07-09-2015, 20:10
Spoke to my oncologist nurse today, it's terminal - too far progressed to be able to do anything. Any treatment now will be palliative, simply to make me as comfortable as possible.

Good grief, that's awful, I sincerely hope you enjoy the life you have and have enjoyed the life you've had....I know forums are faceless places most of the time
and I don't know you personally but you've chosen to share your awful news on here so be happy as much as possible......

07-09-2015, 20:40
words sometimes cant say what actions can .......if there is anything I can do to help please message me ..... and I mean that most sincerely

don simon
07-09-2015, 20:51
Spoke to my oncologist nurse today, it's terminal - too far progressed to be able to do anything. Any treatment now will be palliative, simply to make me as comfortable as possible.

07-09-2015, 22:45
That's terrible, enjoy each day and make the most of it. I'm sure your family will be rallying around you and you've still got us lot.

07-09-2015, 22:49
You know what they say anything is possible. Medical advances happen daily
( NIL ILLIGUTUMS ET CARBORUNDUM) don't let the bastards grind you down hope that you will still comment on this club site

07-09-2015, 23:08
Really sorry to hear that bud, thoughts are with you and yours.

07-09-2015, 23:21
Spoke to my oncologist nurse today, it's terminal - too far progressed to be able to do anything. Any treatment now will be palliative, simply to make me as comfortable as possible.

That is such bad news, I really feel for you, if I was in your position depending on the time left predicted, I would do as far as able anything left that I had not done, and anything I had done that I enjoyed do it again, but no words can convey our deepest sympathy with you and your family, just live what you have left to the full, best regards, Rick

08-09-2015, 05:51
So sorry, that's terrible news

08-09-2015, 10:04
so sorry to hear this, keep going, keep fighting, love and live.

08-09-2015, 11:12
Sorry mate :(

Just p*sses me off that it's 2015 and we are still faced with this menace, I know research and testing is slow but as said, advancements are happening daily and there are a whole host of treatments available.

08-09-2015, 19:04
So Sorry to here that, I actually have a lump in my throat reading this. I don't know you but feel like I do, like people on the TV, you just feel like you know them. As has been said, do as much as possible and stay strong.

08-09-2015, 20:32
All of the above. All the best for you and your family.


19-09-2015, 08:28
This is terrible news for all involved, so sorry to hear of your sad news.
To quote the Landy boys " one life, live it!"
Go and enjoy yourself buddy whilst your still able, and never give up!