View Full Version : 10 fun facts

29-06-2015, 16:13
Another one to think about.

29-06-2015, 16:18
try this

29-06-2015, 16:28
try this

Oh God.......I'm wired all wrong......I can say the colour......I'm cerebrally duff...:nenau

29-06-2015, 16:36
Oh God.......I'm wired all wrong......I can say the colour......I'm cerebrally duff...:nenau
Same here... are you also dyslexic, or ambidextrous?

29-06-2015, 16:41
I'm ambidexrtrous, and I can use both hands.......dint enough a bit dhjlixyiah though.......:nenau

29-06-2015, 17:03
I'm ambidexrtrous, and I can use both hands.......dint enough a bit dhjlixyiah though.......:nenau

There's your answer, one side of your brain is not in total control.

I was originally left handed, but when I went to school, they liked to make you conform, and taught me to write and do things right handed. As I got older, and learnt things by my self, I found some things I naturally did right handed, but many things, I reverted back to Left, and now I can do most things with either hand, except use a pen or pencil:doh

29-06-2015, 17:48
There's your answer, one side of your brain is not in total control.

I was originally left handed, but when I went to school, they liked to make you conform, and taught me to write and do things right handed. As I got older, and learnt things by my self, I found some things I naturally did right handed, but many things, I reverted back to Left, and now I can do most things with either hand, except use a pen or pencil:doh

Why does it not surprise me that my brain is confused!

I am nominally right handed, but can use my left hand for many tasks (excluding writing sadly) that require digital dexterity. I have never really thought about it before now......strange......but it seemed relatively normal......and quite convenient.....:thumb2

29-06-2015, 23:33
My best mate at work was dyslexic,

He used to tell people he was a devil worshipper and had sold his soul to Santa,
was great fun watching people trying to work out wether they should laugh or not!


30-06-2015, 07:23
My best mate at work was dyslexic...had sold his soul to Santa...

Like it...

30-06-2015, 14:21
You mean like the dyslexic atheist, who refused to believe in the existence of dog....?