Is the turbo working?

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Active member
Sep 17, 2006
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Hi there
I've recently bought a Hobby caravan that weighs in at 1500kg fully loaded. My Mistral seems to pull ok, but becomes sulky going uphill.
Just wondering if the turbo is working. Anyone know how I can check it?
Some say they can hear the turbo kick in at around 2500 revs, but I've never heard any change in engine noise.
Any advice would be appreciated.
is turbo working

hi cabtone
your turbo starts to spin up at around 1,250 rpm and will be at full boost at around 2,600 rpm.
the thing with a turbo diesel is the turbo isnt earth shattering ,but you should feel a bit of a push at around 2,100 rpm
if you listern you may hear a faint whistle.
figures are only as a guide.
Hobby 'vans

Hi Cabtone

I'm thinking of buying a Hobby 'van and would be interested in what you've bought and any advice you might have on the subject. I'm looking at the two berth 540/560 models to tow with my '96 T2 diesel. Any thoughts? You say that your Mistral is 'sulky' uphill - how sulky?

Regards, CL
cabtone said:
Hi there
I've recently bought a Hobby caravan that weighs in at 1500kg fully loaded. My Mistral seems to pull ok, but becomes sulky going uphill.
Just wondering if the turbo is working. Anyone know how I can check it?
Some say they can hear the turbo kick in at around 2500 revs, but I've never heard any change in engine noise.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I have a Mistral and a Swift Challenger !, I have the same problem on hills .
my mav tdi struggled with a 8x4 trailer ifor williams ... just no top end power 70 mph max and got hot

without trailer its the muts nuts even with heavy load in the boot
Perhaps you guys want too much from your vehicles if your pulling 1500kg that will be nearly 3.5 ton your trying to much through the air, my mate has a 2.7 95 mav and we both tow same weight vans (1500kg) and are pleased with the way they pull although they are no pocket rockets with that weight on the back.
It's an Hobby Excellent Easy ufe. Uk legal if your towing with a Mistral or similar. You've got to be sure its not over 7ft-6ins wide, otherwise you'll need something that weighs in at over 3500kg to tow it.
I towed it from where I bought it to the storage compound...about 75miles around the M25. Absolutly rock solid. No swaying, nothing! Just sat there behaving itself. But as I say, a bit sulky uphill. That's ok, cos it is quite a heavy van. Anyway who's in rush?..not me. Just sat there in the slow lane, watching the juggernauts go by. Never been so relaxed on the motorway.
tbh the power to weight ratio of 4x4s is rubbish but the forte of them is the caravan follows along quite happily well under control no wagging etc, try to tow the same with a car and it may be quicker but you will know you are towing!
Me too!

I have a Mistral with a challenger 460 SE same problem ok on the flat soon as you see a hill !!!!!!!!!! without the van goes like S**** so your not alone I'm down in West sussex so if your down this way let me know we can compare notes! all the best mate.
tbh the power to weight ratio of 4x4s is rubbish

I have a Patrol, about 2800kg loaded with people and holiday junk and tow a Burstner caravan - about 1500kg fully loaded. So we have 160bhp and a total of 4.3 tonne train weight - about 37 BHP per tonne. A T2 with a 1500kg caravan won't be much different. This is way better than a loaded HGV, typically 10-15bhp per tonne. Its about the same as the VW 1200 Beetle (solo) I used to have in the dim and distant (mind you that was rubbish!!). The 'Troll does OK, towing the Burstner over Shap on the M6 at 60mph in 5th without breaking sweat. An Isuzu Trooper I had a few years back could do the same.

I think you might be expecting too much.

Hi get youreself a power box, keeps on trucking up the hills passing all the struggling hgvs
If you've got about £50 to spare go and buy a K&N induction kit (assuming you're not going too mad offroad with it in which case you have to wash the damn thing sometimes).

It has a cone-shaped filter that sits in the breeze under the bonnet and sucks in more air than the airbox that it replaces.


1. You'll get a wee bit more power.
2. You'll never buy another air filter - g'teed 1,000,000 miles, just clean and re-oil every 50,000.
3. With this fitted you can clearly hear the turbo and waste gate slurping when you are 'pressing on'. But its not unpleasant!

Worst case you could remove it later and prob get at least half your money back....
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I've gone the hiclone & K&N route, it does seem to make a difference, engine does seem to be more free revving. Definitely sounds good too !!!

Mont I'd be interested, noticing you have a 2.7tdi, if you know where power boxes can be obtained. I've always got the sorry no not for that one at the till.
All those cmplaining about lack of power, you ae re changing down aren't you? I wouldn't expect to be able to pull a caravan/trailer up a hill in 5th but if you keep the revs around 3k by using 4th I never find any issues.

With out a trailer last week on the Mac challenge I was leaving everything behind on the hills, the Terrano has ample powert if you're in the right gear.
On the subject of caravan weights, I use my tdi to pull a twin axle bailey, its has an unladen of 1378kg and a max of 1589kg (I think) not that its ever fully laden with just the two of us. Its a very comfortable set up. I've been hill, dale and motorway with it and am extremely satisfied. Tows better than my old Mondeo and a Bailey which was a 70% match!!!

My lack of knowledge here, what engines the mistral, is it the same 2.7?

Other than being realistic when its working away I cant see you having any great problems.
All those cmplaining about lack of power, you ae re changing down aren't you? I wouldn't expect to be able to pull a caravan/trailer up a hill in 5th but if you keep the revs around 3k by using 4th I never find any issues.

With out a trailer last week on the Mac challenge I was leaving everything behind on the hills, the Terrano has ample powert if you're in the right gear.

Very well said (I'd use the clapping smiley if I knew how to)
daved, Im not sure but look on the psi website think they have started doing them again for our motors
Just looked it up for you. PSI Motorsport: Deisel/tuning Email info@ Sales line 01603 722598

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