View Full Version : New toy

10-03-2015, 18:49
well louise and i are expanding the business into wooden plaques and memorials and stuff, we already have the domain for the memorials www.mourningwood.co.uk/ :lol and today i went to b&poo and got some wood cutting essentials

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11041663_10153064165012649_7150154116159590956_n.j pg?oh=5ef8614743b15741dee0b12bd900485c&oe=55725ED6&__gda__=1433642688_37d1a760d54a1e1d7b0860675edcb92 9

we were originally going to get a table saw but dont se the need for one at present as all the palques etc. are under 12" wide and this saw cuts to shy of 12" wide, the sander you can see is a 1/2 sheet 300w sander that was on sale for £25 as the box was damaged but when we got to the til it was £20, bargain :lol

10-03-2015, 19:32
Ahh you got it then :cool: :thumbs

10-03-2015, 20:34
Mind your fingers

10-03-2015, 20:36
if he chops his fingers off , he will have to go to a second hand shop :augie:lol

10-03-2015, 20:37
if he chops his fingers off , he will have to go to a second hand shop :augie:lol

Thats a cut above your normal jokes.

10-03-2015, 21:24
Woah easy now... If he looses his fingers where will I buy stickers from :eek: