View Full Version : Mount Snowdon Climb

16-02-2015, 00:54
me and her indoors are organising a climb up mount snowdon, we will be doing it in july and we will be asking for sponsors and all the money will go to ronald mcdonald house charity, this is a great charity that houses people for free when they have children in hospital and have to stay away from home, we will be doing the Llanberis Path, this is the easiest route to do and have chosen this route because children will be doing the climb aswell, its a 10 mile round trip and take around 6hrs to do, we have setup a facebook page for people who may want to join us on our adventure https://www.facebook.com/events/316636408547727/?ref_notif_type=like&source=1

and have also setup a just giving page for donations, this way the donations are paid straight to the charity so we wont have any paypal fees etc.


the climb isn't for another 5 months yet but there will be plenty of pics of the event :cool:

16-02-2015, 07:17
You could drive a frontera up there :augie

Good luck though!

16-02-2015, 08:40
You could drive a frontera up there :augie

Good luck though!

I wonder if an unmodded LWB Maverick would make it...:nenau

It's a pity that 4x4 's aren't allowed up there, but it would spoil a beautiful area if they were.

16-02-2015, 13:41
if i drove a frontera up there i'd have to leave it as apparently thats whats done :lol

19-02-2015, 15:08
well early days yet and the ball is rolling on the donations, don't forget you can join us and raise funds for the charity as well :thumbs

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10974308_10153021322832649_9176475420141471615_o.j pg

23-03-2015, 16:32
well as of today we only need another £70 and we've reached out target of £500, even if you can only donate £1 every little helps and goes towards a fantastic service that helps families stay together at a difficult time
