View Full Version : bumper sticker

21-11-2014, 02:42
In Eastwood yeaterday, back of a black Terrano [I think] it had a winch on the back to the right of the winch it had a hint
Your skid stops here
I could do one of those to go with the slow down decal I have on my spare wheel

21-11-2014, 07:18
In Eastwood yeaterday, back of a black Terrano [I think] it had a winch on the back to the right of the winch it had a hint
Your skid stops here
I could do one of those to go with the slow down decal I have on my spare wheel

Yeah there are some awesome bumper stickers about


21-11-2014, 07:20
On a serious note, your welcome to my spare wheel chrome surround with center plastic cover, that had "the closer you get the slower I go" text inside it.

21-11-2014, 08:31
" if you can read this , ive lost my caravan " :lol:lol

21-11-2014, 10:02
" if you can read this , ive lost my caravan " :lol:lol

+1 :thumb2

21-11-2014, 10:22
In Eastwood yeaterday, back of a black Terrano [I think] it had a winch on the back to the right of the winch it had a hint
Your skid stops here
I could do one of those to go with the slow down decal I have on my spare wheel

Speak to r1cho on here :thumbs

21-11-2014, 10:52
i do have one i have just never gotten around to putting it on the website

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10375033_627449660714672_1813574496925886476_n.jpg ?oh=1c097c555148267f3cd26639de2980e9&oe=551908AC&__gda__=1427371206_b116b3315b491e4ba1e4baa3932fb0f 4

21-11-2014, 14:58
Put it in the cat and I will buy two,
Thanks for the offer alex I have one as mentioned in my post:confused:

21-11-2014, 16:33

22-11-2014, 22:26
Hi, just went to order, I want to stick them on the bumper so is that normal or reverse cut :confused:. Update me and I will order two

22-11-2014, 22:38
Hi, just went to order, I want to stick them on the bumper so is that normal or reverse cut :confused:. Update me and I will order two

normal m8y, reverse cut is for when its inside of a window

23-11-2014, 03:15
OK ordering now, please explain the m8y is that some sort of code I need to enter?:confused:

23-11-2014, 03:44
OK ordering now, please explain the m8y is that some sort of code I need to enter?:confused:

m8y = matey

23-11-2014, 10:18
Hi, being a suvener I have not heard that before I have seen M8 but did not figure the y, never too old to learn, 3 score and ten plus 5